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Neil: Hi Rob. I'm a Virgo. So, what does that say about my personality? That's the group of thoughts, feelings and behaviours which make you who you are.

It means I am supposed to be independent and observant!

  • Virgo n. 處女座
  • Personality n. 個性
  • Supposed to be 這個片語的意思是 “照理來說”
  • Observant adj. 細心的; observe是動詞,意思是觀察,而變成形容詞後,有點類似察言觀色的意思。“People say she is observant because she always finds out things that others would never notice.”


Rob: Really? OK, observant – in other words, quick at noticing things. Well, as a Gemini, I'm supposed to be witty and adaptable!

  • Gemini n. 雙子座
  • Witty adj. 富於機智的,詼諧的; “When you are being a host on stage, you have to be witty in order to hold up the audience and keep laughter going.”
  • Adaptable adj. 適應力強的; “When you need to travel around the world for business constantly, you have to learn being adaptable to different environments and cultures.”





Neil: I think that's true. You are adaptable, Rob. You get used to new things and situations very easily, I think.

  • Get used to 習慣於; 這個片語很常出現在日常口語的對談中,基本上,可以當作 “我已經覺得稀鬆平常了” 或是 “我早就已經習慣了”,“I got used to it.”


Rob: Well, these characteristics we've mentioned are based on what astrologers say. And astrology is today's theme.

  • Characteristics n. 特性; 一個人的personality中,是由許多不同的characteristics組合而成。

Astrologer n. 占星學家; astrology 占星學





Neil: Astrologers are people who say they can find out about your personality, and maybe your future, by analysing the position of stars and planets the day you were born.

  • Analyse v. 分析; 這裡是指占星學家會依照你的生日當天行星的位置去分析你的未來和個性


Rob: It's controversial. Many astronomers – the scientists who study the stars and planets – don't believe it's true, but some well-known people believe it's a very serious business. And I'll put a question to you about that.

  • Controversial adj. 具爭論性的; 當一件事情常常被許多人提出質疑或評論時,這件事情就是controversial。 “Homosexual marriage is still a controversial topic in many countries.”
  • Astronomer n. 天文學家
  • Serious business 這裡的business不是指真的生意,而是在說有些名人認為占星這件事情應該要被認真看待。





Neil: People born under the sign of Virgo are said to be very precise. Hmm, I'm not so sure about that… But I'd better make sure everything I say today is very accurate so I fit the description!

  • Sign of Virgo 星座的單位就是sign
  • Precise adj. 非常精確的; 也就是我們常說處女座很龜毛,要求完美又講求細節,吹毛求疵的


Rob: Well, let's hear from Nicholas Campion, who teaches the cultural history of astrology at the University of Wales. What does he have to say about it? Campion, a Pisces, uses one particular word when he describes how people feel about their place in the universe. Which word is it?

  • Pisces n. 雙魚座
  • Particular adj. 特定的,特殊的; 當我們要指出一個特定的東西或是強調一個東西的時候,就可以用particular。 “Among all kinds of movies, I love watching action movies in particular.”


Nicholas Campion, University of Wales:

The newspaper horoscope was invented about 1930. There's a parallel between what was happening in astronomy at the time. In the late 20s, the idea that the universe is huge and expanding was discovered and popularised by the astronomer Edwin Hubble. This became a metaphor for the idea that we live on the edge of a distant corner of the universe and we are all very insignificant. At the same time we suddenly get these horoscope columns appearing which I see as a kind of domestication of astrology.

  • Parallel n. 平行; 這裡是指報紙刊登星座占卜這件事情和Edwin Hubble在天文學上的重大發現 “同時間” 發生。
  • Metaphor n. 隱喻
  • Insignificant adj. 不重要的; 微不足道的; 反義詞就是significant 重要的
  • Columns n. 專欄; 用在報紙上就是專欄的意思,用在excel上就是欄,用在建築物上就是柱子,你會發現他們都有個共通點,就是他們都是 “由上而下直立的形狀”




Rob: And this academic thinks astrology tried to bring this idea under control; it domesticated it. It brought it to our personal level, and made it all about routine, everyday events.

  • Under control 把事情控制下來; “Don’t worry. I have got everything under control.”
  • Domesticate v. 馴服; 這裡是指 “人類發現自己在宇宙中很苗小這件事情” 後來被占星學家用星座的方式,轉移大家的焦點,令大眾信服星座這套說法。
  • Routine n. 規律,一成不變的生活; “I hate to be a receptionist because the routine is making me bored.”


Rob: Well, before you do that, you have to listen to what another specialist, this time a psychologist, has to say. Paul Rogers, a Sagittarius, teaches at the University of Central Lancashire, in the north of England.

  • Sagittarius n. 射手座
  • Psychologist n. 心理學家


Rob: OK. Well, he might spoil the fun you're having with your newspaper.

Here he is:

  • Spoil the fun 煞風景; 掃興


Paul Rogers, University of Central Lancashire, England:

People are misperceiving these generalised statements as being unique to their own personality. There are other counter biases that people fall prey to, for example, the confirmation bias. If you believe in something, you'll look for evidence to support that belief and you'll ignore evidence that rejects that belief.

  • Misperceiving adj. 誤解的; 錯誤解讀的
  • Bias n. 偏見
  • Paul Rogers的理論就是,人們會自然而然地,只相信自己想要相信的東西,而且會竭盡所能得找出一堆證據來證明他們是對的。而那些違背自己想法的東西,他們也聽不進去。

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