講座時間 主題 主講人 / 職稱 講師簡歷
13:30-14:00 澳洲昆士蘭念書,開啟未來無限可能
Study Queensland - Start here. Go anywhere.

劉培希 先生(Mr. Patrick Hafenstein) , 首席代表

Patrick has extensive experience in business development, sales and marketing, and trade and investment between Queensland and global markets. As a Queensland Government trade officer and then Group Manager in international education and training, he delivered multiple export deals, successful international marketing campaigns, and major projects in global markets.
Patrick lived in Taiwan for 12 years and speaks advanced level Mandarin. He is passionate about international collaboration, knowledge exchange, innovation, and long-lasting mutually beneficial business relationships.
14:10-14:40 前進澳洲8大,打造頂尖黃金履歷

Mr. Anthony Craig, Senior Regional Manager
澳洲昆士蘭大學 The University of Queensland

Anthony is the Senior Regional Manager, Recruitment and Marketing for The University of Queensland International Division. He travels regularly to Taiwan and is involved in the Australia Taiwan Chamber of Commerce (Queensland) and local Taiwanese community events. Anthony has a long term partnership with idp and welcomes the opportunity to speak with you.
14:50-15:20 公立大學學歷 x 帶薪實習 x 畢業就業計劃一次搞定 澳洲南十字星大學 飯店管理學院

Ms. Samantha Teo, International Student Recruitment Manager
澳洲公立南十字星大學-飯店管理學院 The Hotel School, Southern Cross University

擔任澳洲公立南十字星大學飯店管理學院國際部經理,超過10年國際學生輔導服務經驗,深受國際學生信任與喜愛,本身為澳洲8大UNSW畢業傑出校友,也曾於擔任全球百大企業GE通用電器行銷經理。The Hotel School提供帶薪實習及全球飯店旅館指標Mulpha企業集團工作機會,一次滿足您公立大學學歷 x 帶薪實習 x 畢業就業計劃。
15:30-16:00 留學澳洲(學歷+身分+工作)三個願望一次滿足!

Mr. Mike Lin, 負責人

澳洲專業移民律師資格及證照,超過10年以上協助澳洲移民經驗,對於移民、智財、金融與資訊區塊深入耕耘已久,澳大利亞註冊移民代理(Migration Agents Registration Authority) 及澳大利亞移民代理公會(Migration Institute of Australia) 之會員,目前為澳洲知名移民顧問公司負責人。
16:10-16:40 打造跨界硬實力!來紐西蘭坎特伯雷大學 就對了 Why New Zealand, why Christchurch and why UC

Mr. Allen Huang, Director of Marketing–North Asia
紐西蘭坎特伯雷大學 University of Canterbury

16:50-17:20 The Techniques for Improving Your IELTS Writing / Common Mistakes for Chinese Students

Mr. Alex Chu



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