because who is perfect?


近期在整理即將關站的無名,才又更認識大學時期的自己,那時的書寫語調雖然感性瑣碎,但是總是真誠地向著一個平臺或是某一羣人掏心掏肺,長大以後 漸漸把保護傘打開,關掉心裡底層的聲音 也停止這樣的文字記錄,希望現在還來的及 補齊近幾年的生活感想纔是!

它是一個戶外裝置的公益廣告 沒有顯著的標語和溝通文字

Pro Infirmis 是一個為身體有缺陷人們所發起的公益組織
他們為了 international Day of Persons with Disabilities
希望引導一般人更接受身體有缺陷的人 而策劃出這一個廣告企劃

很喜歡最後的entitle 和 slogan
"Because who is perfect? Get closer."

Published on 2 Dec 2013

Disabled mannequins will be eliciting astonished looks from passers-by on Zurich's Bahnhofstrasse today. Between the perfect mannequins, there will be figures with scoliosis or brittle bone disease modelling the latest fashions. One will have shortened limbs; the other a malformed spine. The campaign has been devised for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities by Pro Infirmis, an organisation for the disabled. Entitled "Because who is perfect? Get closer.", it is designed to provoke reflection on the acceptance of people with disabilities. Director Alain Gsponer has captured the campaign as a short film.

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