I'd like to talk about my daughter first before I share the Aurora snowmobile expedition tour. Many friends and fans asked me why her name is Aurora? Her name is related to this activity.  You will figure out once you read the article to the end. I had two purposes for the 2015 Finland trip. The first one was my first business proposal with the Europeans. The second was Aurora hunting. I made some wishes before I went to Finland. The 2 most important wishes were that I will have successful proposal and I will see the aurora in Finland.

I saw one of my friend's photos of the Northern Lights on facebook before I made the decision to Finland. I wasn't pregnant at that time. I was thinking it'll be so fantastic if one day I pregnant to see the aurora with my baby. I commented on his photos " I hope one day I will see the Northern Lights. " He replied me "Come on! You had been to  Easter Island. It's so far away. I'm sure you will see the Northern lights one day. " Finally I made the decision to attend the MATKA in Finland. I didn't know I was already pregnant before I went to Finland. I found out I was pregnant until I was on the night train from Helsinki to Kemi after attending the MATKA. 

Most tourists want to see the Northern lights in Finland. Everyone has the chance to see the aurora. I think the good luck is the most important factor. It's not easy to see the Aurora. Auroras are produced when the magnetosphere is sufficiently disturbed by the solar wind that the trajectories of charged particles in both solar wind and magnetospheric plasma, mainly in the form of electrons and protons, precipitate them into the upper atmosphere, where their energy is lost. The resulting ionization and excitation of atmospheric constituents emits light of varying colour and complexity. 

I met one Taiwanese tour in Kemi. They already finished the Aurora tour in Finland. They were not lucky enough to see the aurora during the trip. I only stayed 2 nights in Lapland. My last night was in Inari. It would be my last chance to see the aurora in Lapland in Finland. You probably know that I saw the aurora in the Aurora Snowmobile Expedition tour in the end.

********Aurora Snowmobile Expedition*****************

Visitinari.fi company was my second sponsor. Lake and snow Inari is a local tour company in Inari. Inari Aurora Hotel and Holiday Village Inari also belong to the company. The office can help you to arrange the activities and the accommodations in Inari. There are 27 winter activities like Winter fishing, Traditional Reindeer Sleigh Ride and Cross country ski etc.in Inari. 

Inari is a good place to see the northern lights, the most northern you go, the best chances you have to see them. The lake Inari is a perfect place to watch the northern lights in Inari as it is an open space without light pollution. There are 6 aurora activities and 10 summer activities available here. They provide evening tours, the highlight is to watch Northern lights while sitting in a reindeer sleigh or on a snowmobile.

One of their best tours is the Sami culture by snowmobile, which goes to Inari lake "the Sami sea" and some Sami historical sites. They also offer cruises in the summer time to Ukko's Rock, the Sami sacrificial Island on Inari lake. The Northern Lights are also part of the Sami culture, as they had believes about them. It was pity I only stayed one night there, so I miss the chance to discover the Sami culture.

The company arranged me the Winter fishing tour at the beginning, but my schedule couldn't make it, then they rearranged me to the Aurora Snowmobile Expedition tour. 

Aurora Snowmobile Expedition takes 3 hours from 20:00 to 23:00.

the tour guide will take us away from the village glow to a location with the best view of the sky that night. If the weather and luck are on our side, we should get to witness natures own magical dancing light show! Hot juice will be provided to warm us up.

Price: 130€/adult, when 2 persons/snowmobile, 140€/adult, when 1 person/snowmobile, 90€/adult sitting in sleigh. Children from 4- 12 years 45€/child sitting in sleigh.Price includes: guiding in English, fuel, winter equipment, helmet, hot drink and picnic snack, insurance (self-liability 800€/snowmobile in case of accident).

I arrived in Inari was about 5:20 pm. The bus just stop in front of the Lake and snow Inari company. It's so convenience. I contacted with the staff. She asked me that I want to ride the snowmobile alone or sit in the sleigh. She responsibly told me that it takes risk if I ride the snowmobile alone. I thought about for a while then I answer her "I'd like to ride the snowmobile alone."  Actually I was not really alone, I was with my baby. She asked me if I have international driver licence? I showed her mine.

I also checked in here and went to my room at the Inari Aurora Hotel. I backed to the office about 7:30. There were many Taiwanese students in this tour. I was the only one girl to ride the snowmobile alone. 

The winter equipment in lake & snow Inari. The snow clothes keep us warm. 

You can see there were so many winter equipments here. 

Everyone was so excited to wear the winter equipment.

Let me show you that I wore the winter equipment. I was ready to go. 

Do I look like the bank robber?

The winter equipment included the balaclava,the ski clothes, shoes and the gloves. It was under minus twenty degrees. The sky was clear. It was not snowing at that night. The tour guide said"we are so lucky tonight. We got the big chance to see the aurora tonight." 

I was very excited and a little nervous. It was my first time to ride the snowmobile. The tour guide taught us the hand signals to make sure we would have a safe trip. We practice at the beginning, then we started our ride. Because we would to a location with the best view of the sky that night without any light, knew the hand signals was very important.

The lake was covered with ice.We were riding on the lake. The lake was not even. I didn't ride the snowmobile very well at first, then I got used to it. 

We saw the first aurora in less then one hour riding. Everyone was so excited. Finally I understood that people said the aurora looks different from the photos. It was not like the green color as the photo. The tour guide Matti said"it just the beginning. we are going to see the more beautiful aurora."

He told us the truth. we saw the aurora was more beautiful than before. I was so touched to see that. I praise god to create the universe is so amazing. I really saw the dancing aurora. It was like in the movie scene. It was like unreal, but it was real!

The dancing aurora and the snowmobiles. Matti gave us the hot drink and the snacks to enjoy the aurora in the chilly night.

The aurora was like a parabola.

I didn't know the aurora could be so various. I was shocked by the beauty of the aurora and earth.

My baby and me with the aurora. Matti said we were so lucky to see the most beautiful aurora in this year.

Finally I had the chance to take the photo with my snowmobile. It was bigger than what I thought.

All the snowmobiles looked new with enough fuel. 

Our tour guide Matti. He was really kind and professional. 

The Aurora Snowmobile Expedition tour was quite popular. It was full booking even in the shoulder season. Please be early to book your Aurora Snowmobile Expedition tour.

Thanks Visitinari.fi company sponsored me the amazing tour, so I had a very impressive experience to see the aurora for the first time. The secret location was so prefect to see the dancing aurora.

I was so touched when I saw the aurora. My dream came true because of  this tour. I really saw the aurora with my baby. That's why we gave the name Aurora to my baby daughter. She can't wait to be my baby, I had the wish was on December,2014, then I came true the dream in one month. Thanks my baby brought me the good luck to see the beautiful aurora in Finland. Thanks god for a safe and blessed journey to us. 

I hope all of you will see the aurora one day.

PS. At that time I'd like to keep the secret that I was pregnant, so the staff didn't know I was pregnant. Thanks god, I am happy that I was safe to enjoy the Aurora Snowmobile Expedition tour.

Finland aurora high season from December to March. You can start to book your accomdation and tour in Inrai now.

Aurora Snowmobile Expedition

Visitinari.fi website:http://visitinari.fi/

Address: Inarintie 38, FI – 99870 Inari, Lapland – Finland

Office open:

7.12 – 31.3  Daily 9am- 7pm

1.4 – 6.12  Monday – Friday klo 9:30am – 5pm

Tel +358 (0)40 179 6069








Visitinari.fi是Una在芬蘭的第二個旅遊贊助商。Lake and snow Inari是Inari的當地旅行社,老闆共有兩間飯店, 一間是Inari Aurora Hotel,另一間則是Holiday village Inari。在Inari的各式活動和住宿都可以找他們幫忙規劃安排。光是冬天的活動就有27種可以選,像是冰湖釣魚、馴鹿雪撬、越野滑雪等。


Inari除了大家所知道的Lake Inari最容易看到極光外,當地最有名的文化就是薩米文化,薩米文化是歐洲最後一批土著的文化。當地最有名的旅行團其實是騎雪上摩托車去INARI湖(又稱薩米海)和看薩米文化的遺跡。夏天也有湖上郵輪團去看Ukko's 岩石,位於Inari湖的薩米犧牲島上。可惜Una這次待在Inari的時間很短,不然很想去一探究竟。


Aurora Snowmobile Expedition 雪上摩托車遠徵極光行程共3小時,時間為晚上的8點到11點




當天下午三點多從極光屋搭巴士,下午五點多到達Inari,巴士停的第一個地點就是Lake and snow Inari的辦公室門口,真的很方便。進辦公室後,先跟工作人員接洽,他問我要選擇坐著雪撬裡,被雪上摩托車拖著?還是要自己一個人騎雪上摩托車?他很盡告知義務的告訴我,一個人騎雪上摩托車是有風險的,有可能翻車。即便如此,我考慮了一下回答她:「我還是選要自己一個人騎雪上摩托車。」(其實當時還有肚中的寶寶,也不算是自己一個人了)她有問我是否有國際駕照,剛好我有帶在身上。因為Una到芬蘭前的願望清單之一,也包括騎雪上摩托車。

接著順便在辦公室check in,先到他們安排的飯店休息一會兒後,晚上七點多就背著單眼相機回到辦公室去參加行程。發現此團剛好有不少臺灣留學生,Una竟然是整團中,唯一自己 一個人騎雪上摩托車的女生









Inari的湖面早已結成厚厚的一層冰,我們就騎在冰湖上。冰湖上其實滿不平的,因為之前都已經有雪上摩托車騎過的痕跡,再加上積雪。一開始的路線是有彎度的,我才發現龍頭一開始自己有點難控制,中間有幾次沒轉好,差點快撞上了, 自己心中驚險了好幾次,好加上都有驚無險。












後來上網才發現臺灣旅行團都是禁止孕婦騎雪上摩托車的。所以記得如果是懷孕的女生參加此行程,請換成選擇坐雪撬。這裡也要解釋一下,Lake and snow Inari公司當時並不知道Una已經懷孕的狀況,畢竟當時才剛得知懷孕,並沒有想要馬上昭告天下。Una相信若是公司知道的話,肯定也不會讓Una自己一個人騎雪上摩托車的。感謝主,讓傻人有傻福的我,安全的跟肚中的寶寶享受這次雪上摩托車遠徵極光團。







地址 Inarintie 38, FI – 99870 Inari, Lapland – Finland


7.12 – 31.3  Daily 9am- 7pm

1.4 – 6.12  Monday – Friday klo 9:30am – 5pm

電話: +358 (0)40 179 6069



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