就有可能在没有任何结果的前提下    透过音乐成为永远                                                            ----------Mint之不负责任引言

我最喜欢Taylor Swift (中文官方译为泰勒丝) 的一点就是她很诚实
诚实说她开心讨厌害怕或喜欢    诚实面对自己的所有情绪
所以她写的每首歌     歌词或许不困难    曲更不是多高深的旋律
却因为是她在短暂的生命过程中    一段感情    一种面对批评的态度    更可能只是一面之缘    她便能真实的写出一首简单但是感动人的歌

 Enchanted  这首歌我觉得台湾的官方中文翻译太浮面---    "爱情魔力"    取自英文原文中带有"魔幻"意味的解释
但要是知道这首歌背后的意义    我想台湾的乐迷们应该也会抗议的吧?!

这首歌写给一个她只见过一次面的男孩     Adam Young     如果熟悉西洋乐坛的人应该知道最近在美国掘起的一个电子音乐为主的创作乐团 "Owl City" (猫头鹰城市)  Adam Young就是这个一人乐团的主唱+创作者

"I wrote "Enchanted" about a guy who I was enchanted to meet, obviously.
这首歌    很明显    我是写给一个见了面之后便被他吸引的男人

He was somebody that I had talked to a couple of times on email, and then I was in New York and went to meet him.
在见到他之前我跟他只透过EMAIL聊了几次    有次我人刚好在纽约便去见见他

I remember just the whole way home thinking, "I hope he's not in love with somebody."
我记得那时候在我回家的整条路上都在想  "我希望他没有爱上其他人"

It was just wonderful, that feeling. Like, "Oh my gosh. Who's he with? Does he like me? Does he like somebody else? What does it mean?"
那种感觉很美好   就像"我的天啊!!  他现在跟谁在一起? 他喜欢我吗?? 他现在有喜欢的人吗??  这到底代表什么??"

I got home and he had emailed me and said something like, "Sorry I was so quiet. I was just wonderstruck meeting you."
那天等我到家之后他Email我说  "抱歉我话太少了    只是因为妳太让我惊艳了"

And so I incorporated the word wonderstruck, into the song as a, "Hey this one's sorta for you." " - Taylor Swift
所以我把"wonder-struck"两个字合并后写在歌里    让他知道 "嘿  这首歌是给你的哦!" - 泰勒丝


这整首歌的词都很美     她细细的描述了那个晚上他们见面聊天她自己的心情和感觉

"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go 今夜闪闪发亮, 别忘了它
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 你让我惊艳过了头, 一路上我红著脸回家
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew 下半辈子我会不停猜测你是否知道
I was enchanted to meet you  认识你是我生命中最梦幻的事"


"The lingering question kept me up 一个接著一个的问题让我睡不著
2am, who do you love? 凌晨两点钟我还在想你到底有没有爱谁
I wonder till I'm wide awake 越想越清醒
Now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door 我开始来回跺步, 希望你就站在我家门口
I'd open up and you would say, 然后打开门你会对我说
It was enchanting to meet you "认识你是我生命中最梦幻的事"
All I know is I was enchanted to meet you "认识你是我生命中最梦幻的事""

中间的Bridge部分真的诚实到让人揪心    很直接很白话毫不掩饰     却是最吸引我的一段

"This is me praying that this was the very first page  我私自希望这是故事的开始
Not where the story line ends  而不是故事的结尾
My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again 在再见到你之前, 我脑中会一直回荡你的名字
These are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon 因为匆促离开, 所以这些是我当下没说出口的话
I was enchanted to meet you 认识你是我生命中最梦幻的事
Please don't be in love with someone else 拜托不要跟其他人相爱
Please don't have somebody waiting on you 拜托没有其他人在等待你
Please don't be in love with someone else 拜托不要跟其他人相爱
Please don't have somebody waiting on you 拜托没有其他人在等待你"


如果故事只有这样     那么并不足以成为吸引我到我非写出来打成网志的动力
对     故事的后续就是男主角也现身了

"Dearest Taylor,

I'll be the first to admit I'm a rather shy boy and since music is the most eloquent form of communication I can muster, I decided to record something for you — as sort of a "reply" to the breathtaking song on your current record. This is what I wanted so badly to tell you in person but could never quite put into words:

Everything about you is lovely. You're an immensely charming girl with a beautiful heart and more grace and elegance than I know how to describe. You are a true princess from a dreamy fairytale and above all, I just want you to know.... I was enchanted to meet you too.


Dearest Taylor,

首先我得承认我是个非常害羞的男孩     既然音乐一直是我最好的沟通方法    我决定要录点东西给妳 --- 就当做是回敬妳令人窒息最新作品的"回礼"吧!  这些是我一直好想要告诉妳却不知道该如何用文字诉说的:  有关于妳的一切都很动人  妳是一个非常迷人的女孩     有著善良的心和我不知道该如何描述的高贵优雅    妳真的是从梦一般童话故事里走出来的公主     而我最希望让妳知道的是      我也被妳吸引了   


所以Adam 回敬Taylor一首他重新编曲      翻唱    小幅度修改歌词的"Enchanted"
除了把"All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you"(认识你是我生命中最梦幻的事) 改成 "Oh Taylor I was so enchanted to meet you too" (噢泰勒认识你也是我生命中最梦幻的事) 之外
而那段歌词便是最吸引我    最让人心跳漏拍    更是故事最精彩    这首歌最美的部分


"Please don't be in love with someone else 拜托不要跟其他人相爱
Please don't have somebody waiting on you 拜托没有其他人在等待你
Please don't be in love with someone else 拜托不要跟其他人相爱
Please don't have somebody waiting on you" 拜托没有其他人在等待你"


"I was never in love with someone else 我从来没有跟其他人相爱过
I never had somebody waiting on me 也从来没有任何人在等待我
'Cause you were all of my dreams come true 因为妳就是我成真的美梦
And I just wish you knew 而我希望妳懂
Taylor I was so in love with you.  我那瞬间爱疯妳了"



(Taylor Swift's version) (泰勒丝版)

(Adam Young's version) (亚当杨版)

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