出爐港姐冠軍黃嘉雯以大熱姿態勝出,本身是模特兒的她,最初參選時已獲得不少人留意,亦指她家底雄厚 !不過家住市值半億的1800呎海名軒豪宅的她,強調「自己搵自己使」,不覺得家世對參賽有幫助。

新浪娛樂:#黃嘉雯香港小姐冠軍# 8日晚,2019年度港姐決賽結果出爐,冠軍由1號黃嘉雯大熱勝出,她兼獲「最具體態美佳麗」;5號王菲屈居亞軍兼獲「最上鏡小姐」、8號古佩玲獲得季軍。被問及未來星途可能未必及亞軍,黃嘉雯笑說並不擔心,反而是擔心稍後要選中華小姐,不知自己可否應付。http://t.cn/AiEGhKa5 ​ -- 新浪娛樂






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Battery full🔋💪🏻 Thank you so much everyone❤️

🎈CarmaneySantiago⛄️ 카만리 🚗(@carmaneysantiago)分享的貼文 於 張貼

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One day is as long as like one week here. Slow but satisfied ❤️ #travelonercar

🎈CarmaneySantiago⛄️ 카만리 🚗(@carmaneysantiago)分享的貼文 於 張貼

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I'll never forget this pride moment 🇭🇰 Every girl in HK is unique and reflects the beauty of this dynamic city. ✨ Don’t hesitate to join us and show the world how amazing HK girls are! ;) #Repost @missinternationalhk with @get_repost ・・・ 你想成為 #黃嘉雯 的接班人嗎? •• 2019年 #國際小姐香港代表 招募正式啓動,凡年齡介乎18歲至27歲的未婚女性,並持有效的香港永久性居民身分證及香港特區護照均可報名。 •• 獲選佳麗將代表香港參加本年11月12日於日本東京舉行的 #國際小姐 競選。 •• 如欲報名請把個人半身及全身照片各一張,連同簡單履歷(例如:姓名、年齡、身高及學歷等等)及聯絡方法,私信至本專頁或把資料電郵至[email protected],我們將會有專人聯絡閣下。 •• 選美改寫人生,請立即報名 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 •• 截止報名日期:6月1日 (星期六) •• Wanna be the successor of Carmaney Wong? •• We are now officially recruiting HK Representative for participating this year's Miss International Pageant to be held in Tokyo, Japan on Nov12. •• If you are aged between 18-year-old to 27-year-old, have never been married and holding valid HK Permanent Identity Card & HK SAR Passport then you are entitled to register. •• You may inbox us one half body shot & one full body shot and contact info together with your profile (e.g. Name, Age, Height & Academic Background etc) here on IG or email information to [email protected] ! We will reach you accordingly! •• Please grasp this priceless opportunity to make HK proud 🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰 •• Closing Date for submission : Jun01 (Sat) 👏🏻 •• #recruitment #missinternational2019 #missinternationalhk #grandslam #pageant #hk #carmaneywong •• @missinternationalofficial @real_missosology @realandia @reinasdelmundo @officialglobalbeauties @sashfactorinfo @sashandcrown @factsofpageants @thepageantqueensorg @theperfectmiss @theasianpageantry @miss_international_hk @pageantainment @pageant_kingdom @pageant.updates @international_poll @crown_times @zardebelleza @indo_pageanalys @crownhunters @sahabatpageants

🎈CarmaneySantiago⛄️ 카만리 🚗(@carmaneysantiago)分享的貼文 於 張貼

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First time that I have been to this surfing paradise 🇦🇺 ,two days are good enough to get a tan here lol 🏄‍♂️ 對於屬於夏天的我,能夠避開冬天特別興奮。但十二月的澳洲在日光的時間很熱,下午便不再適宜下水了,風大到你在陽光下都覺得冷~😖 現在想和大家玩個遊戲,我將會每一個城市寄出明信片兩位朋友仔,如果你有興趣的話,可以PM你的地址到旅俠 @travelonercarmaney ,希望你地喜歡呢份小小的聖誕禮物啦 🎅🏻🎁 #Australia#bondibeach#surfing#December#travelonercar#beach#travel#sydney#xmas#postcard

🎈CarmaneySantiago⛄️ 카만리 🚗(@carmaneysantiago)分享的貼文 於 張貼

