資料來源 : aquadesignamano



ADA即將於九月中發布新的AQUASKY 系列



他的編碼原則是前兩個數字代表缸子尺寸, 第三個數字代表有幾排LED燈

所以602代表的就是給60cm缸具使用, 共有兩排LED燈

下面就是即將上市的601 & 602燈具

ADA AQUASKY 601&602  



不過因為某個東西的到來我也對這個新系列沒有怨念了eye blinking  


ADA AQUASKY 602 Performance  


AQUASKY 602 is capable of providing the same illuminance level as Solar I.*
AQUASKY series makes possible to fully appreciate aquatic plant layouts, which was hardly achieved by other LED lighting systems before. (Coming out in mid-September, 2012)

初看到到一句話說602照度和Solar I. 一樣


*We measured the center spot illmunicance level with following condition: Direct illuminance level measured at 12cm from the lighting source for AQUASKY 602, and 30cm for Solar I.

原來量測的距離不一樣, 602是從距源頭12cm的距離量測得來的照度, Solar I.則是30cm

反正我也不是這方面的專家, 故對此不作任何評論, 對我來說整體賞心悅目和草能種的好纔是重要smile  

擁有ADA 60cm系列缸子的大大們

ADA 這款新的AQUASKY 系列, 我想應該是值得作為參考選項喔~ Good Job  



照度(illuminance, E)-單位:勒克斯 (LUX)
照度為單位面積內所入射的光量,可用每一單位面積的光通量來測量,用來表示某一場所的明亮度。 1
lm 的光通量均勻分佈在 1 平方公尺 ( ㎡ ) 的表面,即產生 1 勒克斯 (lux, lx) 的照度; 1 lm 的光通
量落在 1 平方英呎 (ft2 ) 的表面,其照度值為 1 呎燭光 (footcandle, fc) 。

The lux (symbol: lx) is the SI unit of illuminance and luminous emittance, measuring luminous flux per unit area. It is used in photometry as a measure of the intensity, as perceived by the human eye, of light that hits or passes through a surface. It is analogous to the radiometric unit watts per square metre, but with the power at each wavelength weighted according to the luminosity function, a standardized model of human visual brightness perception. In English, "lux" is used in both singular and plural.[1]

資料來源: Wiki
