




  • Natural arches around the world are made of rock, with a hole formed by natural forces


Arch n. 拱門; 通常是形容一個弧形或是圓形的門,這個字還有另外一個意思就是射箭手所使用的 “弓”,而 “箭” 則是 arrow


Made of 用…做成的; 這裡的意思是指世界上的天然大橋都是用岩石做成的。Made of 也可以用在很多日常生活上,比如說,這件衣服是棉質的,就可以說 “This clothes is made of cotton.”


Formed by 被…形成的; 這裡的意思是指這些天然大橋都是被大自然的力量塑造而成的。 你也可以說,冰塊是用低溫和水所製成的, “Ice is formed by low temperature and water.”


Natural forces 大自然的力量; 這裡的forces包含了風力、水力、火力等,所有跟大自然相關的力量都可以稱為forces。而這個字的普遍通用意思,可以是任何跟力量有關的東西,比如說,軍隊的火力,而空軍又叫做air force。Force當作動詞使用又是完全不一樣的意思喔~ 當你要force別人去做事情的時候,就是 “逼迫” 讓別人在不情願的狀態下去完成你想要他做的事。


  • Natural bridges are arches where water is the force making the hole
  • Stunning natural bridges can be found all over the world


Stunning adj. 令人讚嘆的; 令人驚艷的; 令人目瞪口呆的; 這除了使用在對自然景觀的讚嘆之外,也可以用在任何讓你驚奇的事情上,比如說,你看完一個表演覺得非常得讚而且超乎你的想像,就可說 “The performance tonight is just stunning.”


All over 到處都是; 隨處可見; 這個片語用在生活上,可以用來形容家裡的東西堆的到處都是, “The books are piled all over the room. There is no more space to move around here!”


  • The world's longest is the Fairy Bridge in China, experts say


Expert n. 專家; 專業人員; 另外,專長則是expertise,所以你可以說,廚師是美食的專家,他們的專長是料理, “Chefs are experts of cuisine. Their expertise is cooking.”



▶Green Bridge of Wales 

The Green Bridge of Wales on the rocky Pembrokeshire coastline is one of the most famous spots in Wales.

Coastline 海岸線。




▶Ayres Natural Bridge, Wyoming 

Less famous than its bigger national park cousins (Yellowstone and Grand Teton), Wyoming's Ayres Natural Bridge State Park offers a respite for visitors in the know.

Cousins 這邊所謂的cousins是指這個國家公園跟它鄰近的黃石公園有如堂兄弟姊妹一樣類似。




▶Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah

Owachomo Natural Bridge is one of three famous natural bridges at the aptly named Natural Bridges National Monument in Utah.

Aptly adv. 恰當地; 恰到好處地。




▶Pont d'Arc, France

A French national heritage site, the 54-meter-long Pont d'Arc is the only French natural bridge spanning a still-flowing river.

Heritage site 文化遺產; 如果是世界遺產則是 World Heritage。555  



▶Natural Bridges State Beach, California

A natural bridge anchors this beach in Santa Cruz, California, but Natural Bridges State Beach is better known for its tide pools and seasonal monarch butterfly population.

Anchor v. 這裡是指 “和…相呼應”。666  



▶London Bridge, Australia

A gem in Australia's Port Campbell National Park, London Bridge is an offshore rock formation that partially collapsed in 1990 and became a bridge without a connection.

Gem n. 寶石; 這裡是指這個岩石是這個國家公園的一塊寶,也就是指一個東西很有價值的意思。




▶Fairy Bridge, China

China's Fairy Bridge has the longest span of any natural bridge in the world.

Span n. 跨度




▶Pravcicka Brana, Czech Republic

Explore the land that inspired Hans Christian Andersen here in Bohemian Switzerland, now part of the Czech Republic, and you'll find Pravcicka Brana, the largest stone bridge on the European continent.




▶Wadi Rum, Jordan

Exploring Jordan's Wadi Rum Protected Area means you'll find lovely examples of natural bridges and other rock formations.




▶Yoho National Park, Canada

Head to Yoho National Park in the Canadian Rockies to watch Kicking Horse River still carving a path through this natural bridge.

Carve v. 雕刻; 琢磨; 這裡是指河流的水不斷的流過這塊大石頭,以水的力量劃出一道出路,讓這塊大岩石形成了一座橋。




▶Tassili n'Ajjer, Algeria

UNESCO didn't just recognize Algeria's Tassili n'Ajjer as a World Heritage Site for its drawings and engravings dating back to 6,000 B.C. It also has a stunning collection of natural bridges and sandstone "forests of rock."




▶Natural Bridge, Virginia

The Natural Bridge of Virginia was once owned by Thomas Jefferson.




▶Cueva de los Portales, Cuba

Cueva de los Portales isn't just the site of a natural bridge in Cuba's western province of Pinar del Rio. It also played a role in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.




▶Hazarchishma Natural Bridge, Afghanistan

Wildlife Conservation Society researchers traveling to Afghanistan to conduct a wildlife survey stumbled upon Hazarchishma Natural Bridge, perhaps one of the largest in the world.



▶Lexington Arch, Nevada

There's evidence to suggest that Lexington Arch in Great Basin National Park in Nevada may actually be a bridge. Arches formed by streams and other water sources are bridges.





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