How did it feel to finally have "hot vampire sex," as Nina called it, with Elena in the November 29 episode?在11月29號播出的那一集《吸血鬼日記》中,Damon終於跟Elena滾了牀單,感覺怎麼樣??Somerhalder: The fans — and I — have been begging for that for a long time. It"s payoff for them, but there are a lot of people out there, who think Elena would be much better off if she were rid of both [Salvatore brothers].這一幕是很多粉絲,包括我自己在內都期盼了很久了的。這是給他們的回報,當然也還有很多人認為Elena跟Salvatore這兩兄弟誰都不好,最好讓她自己一個人。

Speaking of tough predicaments, Damon had agreed to help search for the vampire cure for Elena. Isn"t he afraid that, if she reverts to being human, he will lose her?現在的情況比較複雜,Damon答應幫Elena找變回人類的方法。但是他會不會怕如果Elena變回人類,他就會失去Elena?Somerhalder: Yes. It raises a good question. Damon feels guilty that she"s turned, but if she stays a vampire, then she stays in love with him. And that"s all he"s ever wanted. He finally got it, and the sire-bond thing blew up in his face.這是個好問題。Damon對Elena變成吸血鬼這件事充滿了愧疚,但是如果Elena繼續做吸血鬼,那麼她就會一直愛著自己。這也是他一直希望的事情。他終於等到了這一天,但是認祖歸宗這件事卻給他了一個當頭棒喝。

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