由美國漸凍人協會 The ALS Association 發起的 冰桶挑戰 Ice Bucket Challenge 





 Many mainly do this to feel or look good and not to help others 




Many people are just jumping in the bandwagon. How will someone know that you are done donating to the charity if you will do this quietly? Of course, the answer would be posting this to social media but it may appear that you are a braggart or a self-narcissistic attention seeker.


The best way for them to know about your deed is to participate in a viral or chain fun challenge. Who knows, even if you don’t donate a single cent, at least you have joined the fad.




The ultimate question will be “Will you donate again to ALS.org?”

It would be better for charities to make people connect instead of making them do a trend that will result in receiving donations only within a short term of time.




▪ Bandwagon (n.) 浪潮;時尚

  Climb / jump on the bandwagon 跟潮流

▪ Narcissistic (adj.) 自我陶醉的;自戀的



 Millions of dollars has been lost to other charities 




Since they have the illusion that they donated big on helping ALS, they will donate less to other charities because those did not catch up their interest. Everyone can donate to charities but not everyone are willing to donate without being recognized or without having to do a noticeable gig.



ALS has raised funds but millions of dollars has been lost to other charities because it has grabbed all the potential donors’ attention.




 There is no sense of urgency 並沒有迫切需要



ALS is a rare disease and it is not an alarming disease or fatal disease that is spreading like wildfire. It is good to fund the ALS research to have a world without this disease but as of now, it is overfunded and many urgent concerns must be given attention just like finding cure to Ebola virus or funding a heart disease foundation or even going to the World Vision or UNICEF. Millions of people in need are experiencing a slow and painful death because they don’t have access to healthcare, food and clean environment. The foundations that needed the most money are usually the ones that have only raised a small amount.





▪ Urgency (n.) 緊急;迫切

▪ Alarming (adj.) 告急的

▪ UNICEF 聯合國兒童基金會 = Nations International Children's Emergence Fund



 Millions of gallons of water are wasted 大量水資源的浪費



Why are they so concerned on turning the faucet on while brushing the teeth or cleaning a toilet seat while on doing this challenge, they have lots of ice inside a large bucket and pour this to themselves as if they did not waste water?



Since many are now doing this, there will be a huge chance of having water shortages around the world. They have raised millions of dollars for ALS but in exchange of wasting a valuable life resource.




Charities’ job is to promote awareness and catch the people’s interest to make a donation. However, it will be better if they will just host an event, do a mud or sand challenge where the resources will just be recycled, plant a tree in the backyard challenge or make anything or everything that will gain good results to the donor’s side and to the environment.




▪ Faucet (n.) 水龍頭





其實「漸凍症」又稱為 Lou Gehrig's Disease

那麼 Lou Gehrig 又是誰呢?



Lou Gehrig可說是洋基隊的傳奇人物之一








