※I don't post English article for a long time.

This is my presentation draft in my English class, it's just a short introduction about secret of Internet.

We usually surf on Internet, it looks just be fun or useful, but actually, there are something happening while you clicked it. Let me show some examples:

The first one, you must always see this kind of things, what’s the problem? It’s just for deciding whether you are man or not. No, no, no, the first part is the same thing what you’re thinking. But the second one is for research. How? In fact, there is no answer for the it. They are from some old book or handwrite documents that computer can’t recognize it. So if the answer of first part is right, then it can make sure you are really human, and the answer of second one can help them to recognize the picture as a word. And sometimes the front and the back will swap, you know why.

Another one example, do you use Facebook every day? Then you must know the “like” button, and use your smart phone to check in the position. So far, you think it’s just for fun. But after doing statistic, Facebook can get some result that other websites can’t even Google. Like the most popular news, articles and so forth.

Now you know everything on the Internet has its purpose. Thinking more before you click it.

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