
Directed by: Richard Donner
Cast: Christopher Reeve (Clark Kent/Superman), Margot Kidder (Lois Lane), Marlon Brando (Jor-El), Gene Hackman (Lex Luthor)

Superman: The Movie was the first superhero screen adaptation to truly capture the bright, dumb heart of comic books and (with love, money and talent) polish it until the myth gleamed. Director Richard Donner slices the legend in three: the film moves from the glacial Neverland of Krypton, all stately SF majesty, to the heartland of Smallville, where Norman Rockwell paints strange visitors from distant stars, and then on to the hip, neurotic Metropolis, a city bustling with kooks, pimps and one-liners.

It’s quite a journey, even without the ’70s disaster movie climax. Donner’s binding seam is what he calls verisimilitude – the appearance of being true or real – and it’s this heartfelt belief in the material that holds the tale together and coaxes such fine performances. Brando is astonishing, making the words “Fortress Of Solitude” sound like poetry and not some hack concept from the funnybooks. Christopher Reeve is Jimmy Stewart in spandex, all boy scout decency and charm. And Margot Kidder believes that a man can fly, so you do, too.

