有些父母喜歡掌控自己孩子的一切行蹤,像是大學生活、朋友圈甚至是工作的面試...英文我們稱作 helicopter parents



1. Parents Spend Thousands on Popularity Classes. 


Some parents will spend upwards of $8,000 to send their daughters to a two-week sorority prep school. There they will learn to minimize the chance that they will ever embarrass themselves socially or come to believe that getting an education is somehow more important than being pretty and liked.




sorority ( n. ) 女學生聯誼會




2. New York Parents Hire Tutors to Help Kids Cheat. 


One medical student tutored students from wealthy families and made over $150,000, which he used to put himself through school. He started off working for a standard tutoring agency, but the prospect of making tons of cash by doing unethical things like writing college entrance essays for students was too enticing to pass up. After all, if he didn't do it, someone else would. One mother, a college professor, hired him to "tutor" her son through high school. But once her son graduated and moved off to college, he promptly flunked out without his tutor's assistance.




start off  開始

* flunk out 退學

* assistance ( n. ) 幫助




3. Parents Are Babying Their Kids Through College, Job Interviews. 


One parent, despite having a full-time job, schedules every hour of her college-age sons' lives, in addition to monitoring their personal email accounts and bank account balances. She obtains copies of every syllabus and emails them their homework assignments for every class, which they never miss because she gives them wake-up calls every morning.




* despite ( prep. ) 儘管

* obtain ( v. ) 獲得 ; 取得




4. Mom Hacks School Computer, Changes Grades.





5. Pushy Parents Take Over Easter Egg Hunt.





6. Dad Builds Baseball Team to Destroy Son's Former Coach. 


Robert Sanfilippo's 10-year-old son was kicked off his youth baseball team for poor performance, an act that Sanfilippo felt demanded retribution. He eschewed the sensible approach of teaching his son better baseball skills or maybe even paying to send him to one of those training camps, as none of that sane bullshit would absolve his son of the indignity of having failed in a competitive atmosphere. Instead, Sanfilippo decided to form his own damn baseball team for the sole purpose of crushing his son's old coach, John Reardon, and making him rue the day he ever considered cutting the boy. Sanfilippo spent $50,000 of his own money to recruit and train his team.


Robert Sanfilippo的十歲兒子因為在棒球隊的表現不好而被踢出球隊,Robert就為兒子創了一支棒球隊,花了50,000美元去招募和訓練自己的球隊,但是其實他有許多方法可以重建兒子的信心,並不需要自己組球隊還有花那麼多錢。


* retribution ( n. ) 報應 ; 懲罰

* eschew ( v. ) 避免 ; 避開

* indignity ( n. ) 輕蔑 ; 屈辱

* rue ( v. ) 懊悔 ; 後悔




參考資料:6 People Who Took Overprotective Parenting Way Too Far




