啊啊啊我上次更新第四集The Heir等的資訊已經是去年的事惹#

目前已經出了三集,第四集The Heir(下面詳細介紹)原文將於5/5出版
The Selection (The Selection #1)
The Elite (The Selection #2)
The One (The Selection #3)
另有已出的一本外傳The Prince and The Guard
這本內含了兩個短篇The Prince & The Guard,也有中文了
兩大男角Maxon & Aspen的視角(真心話公開# 我覺得這本挺無聊的⋯特別是Aspen那裡⋯⋯
因為接下來會出一本Happily Ever After(一樣下面介紹)
內含所有短篇:The Prince, The Guard, The Queen, The Favorite以及一些其他在本傳的小故事,甚至是王國的插圖(感覺好充實ww
本傳:The Selection(決戰王妃)、The Elite(背叛之吻)、The One(真命天女)、The Heir(中文已宣佈於8月出版)、>Untitled<(第五集尚未命名也未有消息)
番外:The Prince and The Guard(王子與侍衛)、Happily Ever After(原文尚未出版 *內容包含The Prince and The Guard)
.The Heir (The Selection #4) 原文5/5出版
 35 Suitors. 1 Princess. The New Selection Has Begun.
Twenty years ago, America Singer entered the Selection and won Prince Maxon’s heart. Now the time has come for Princess Eadlyn to hold a Selection of her own. Eadlyn doesn’t expect her Selection to be anything like her parents’ fairy-tale love story. But as the competition begins, she may discover that finding her own happily ever after isn’t as impossible as she always thought.
☆中文最新消息♥ 預計於7/27出版! 
決戰王妃4:繼承者 7/27出版
→Book Trailer(國外都會拍真是體諒書迷♥雖然有的很崩就是了⋯ ex:骸骨之城)

*臺詞:和書籍簡介沒差多少就是了xdd 想看詳細的話可以去緋緋的決戰王妃The Selection(Facebook粉絲團)看,緋緋有翻譯:)))
☆延伸影片:Epic Reads有釋出幾支Meet The Selected Suitors的影片,以像是書中訪談的方式呈現,可以去Youtube上看
→Unlock The Heir(集氣解鎖The Heir!)
只要於Facebook、Twitter、Tumblr、Instagram標註#UnlockTheHeir,等累積到數量就可以搶先讀The Heir的英文~
→Things You Must Know About The Heir(前往作者的官網瞭解更多有關The Heir的事!)
→活動:Epic Reads的Cast The Selection For The Heir~選出心目中Eadlyn的Selection名單♥
→Epic Reads的Royal Baby投票(Boy or Girl?)
*這是第一次釋出有關The Heir中繼承人的事!(去年9月時發的)投票結果是Boy-36% / Girl-64%(我投Girl xdd),不過結果是什麼都沒關係了# 因為真相是龍鳳胎+女王www
.Happily Ever After (A Companion to the Selection Series) 原文訂於10/6/2015出版
Meet Prince Maxon before he fell in love with America, and a girl named Amberly before she became queen. See the Selection through the eyes of a guard who watched his first love drift away and a girl who fell for a boy who wasn’t the prince. This gorgeous collection features four novellas from the captivating world of Kiera Cass’s #1 New York Times bestselling Selection series—two of which appear here in print for the first time—as well as exclusive, never-before-seen bonus content.
見見還沒愛上亞美利加的麥克森王子,還有尚未成為王后的女孩安柏莉。從一個看著他的初戀與自己漸行漸遠的侍衛以及一個愛上的人並非王子的女孩雙眼中,看見整個選拔活動。這個光芒萬丈的集合有四個短篇故事,來自Kiera Cass紐約時報第一名的暢銷系列書籍《決戰王妃》的迷人世界──有兩個是第一次出版──同樣獨家的,有數個從未現世的內容。
→內含以下這些:四個短篇+幾個Celeste & Lucy的視角+下面延伸閱讀中的最終章+Where are they now?(這個我真的不知道是什麼orz)+王國地圖+一些插圖(有種要向Shadowhunter學習的意味 x)
→The bonus epilogue + The Queen前三章搶先看:http://unlocktheselection.com
*這已經解鎖好久了xdd ①Epilogue主要就是The One結局兩年後,Maxon的生日(他和America從同一張牀上起來OAO講話害我超驚嚇變態死了)、慶祝、然後America說她懷孕了⋯網路上找得到有人翻譯的中文版噢!!!②The Queen那個我沒怎麼看w有興趣的可以去看看,Queen Amberly的視角
→須知:原定是一本The Prince & The Guard,然後一本The Queen & The Favorite(那時決定的書封就是現在Happily Ever After的樣子)而已,不過後來就冒出了這些xddd
- 以上由Lorna整理,歡迎引用,但請勿盜用謝謝 -

(上面字下面的是Jace & Will & Clary & Jem!我的最愛們♥)
這百分之三百比The Selection還複雜!!!
因為作者Cassandra Clare打算狂出xddd
存在著Shadowhunter(闇影獵人)、Angel(沒什麼存在感就是了#)、Demon、Vampire、Werewolf 、Warlock(巫師)、Faerie⋯⋯各種你想得到的奇幻生物(不過有沒有出現卻又是另外一回事orz)
*詭異附註:通常在天使小說裡(ex:Fallen墮落天使、Hush, Hush暗夜天使⋯),Nephilim指的是天使和凡人的孩子,但在這裡是體內含有一部分天使血的意思,和天使沒有直接的血緣關係(歷史請看下方
是一個叫做Jonathan Shadowhunter的人,拿著三個聖物召喚天使Raziel,請祂把血裝進the Cup(聖杯),交給他們以創造出比凡人強大的Shadowhunter,好保護世界
The Mortal Instruments (2007)
.City of Bones
.City of Ashes
.City of Glass
.City of Fallen Angels
.City of Lost Souls
.City of Heavenly Fire
The Infernal Devices (2009/2010)
.Clockwork Angel 
.Clockwork Prince 
.Clockwork Princess 
The Dark Artifices (2016)
Lady Midnight
The Prince of Shadows
The Queen of Air and Darkness
The Last Hours (2017)
Chain of Thorns
Chain of Gold
Chain of Iron
The Wicked Power (????)
The Bane Chronicles
The Shadowhunter's Codex
Shadowhunter Academy
TID - 1878 London
TLH - 1903 London(接續TID)
TMI - 2007 New York
TDA - 2012 Los Angeles(接續TMI)
Bane Chronicles - 時間地點每段短篇都不一樣,還很跳,我沒辦法一個一個說⋯有興趣可以去查xdd
Shadowhunter's Codex - Codex沒有年代問題w
Shadowhunter Academy - 在TMI完結之後的一段時間,不過有時候講的東西不限於現代
.The Mortal Instruments
When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out to the Pandemonium Club in New York City, she hardly expects to witness a murder — much less a murder committed by three teenagers covered with strange tattoos and brandishing bizarre weapons. Clary knows she should call the police, but it's hard to explain a murder when the body disappears into thin air and the murderers are invisible to everyone but Clary.
Equally startled by her ability to see them, the murderers explain themselves as Shadowhunters: a secret tribe of warriors dedicated to ridding the earth of demons. Within twenty-four hours, Clary's mother disappears and Clary herself is almost killed by a grotesque demon.
But why would demons be interested in ordinary mundanes like Clary and her mother? And how did Clary suddenly get the Sight? The Shadowhunters would like to know....
.The Infernal Devices 
Magic is dangerous—but love is more dangerous still.
When sixteen-year-old Tessa Gray crosses the ocean to find her brother, her destination is England, the time is the reign of Queen Victoria, and something terrifying is waiting for her in London's Downworld, where vampires, warlocks and other supernatural folk stalk the gaslit streets. Only the Shadowhunters, warriors dedicated to ridding the world of demons, keep order amidst the chaos.
Kidnapped by the mysterious Dark Sisters, members of a secret organization called The Pandemonium Club, Tessa soon learns that she herself is a Downworlder with a rare ability: the power to transform, at will, into another person. What's more, the Magister, the shadowy figure who runs the Club, will stop at nothing to claim Tessa's power for his own.
Friendless and hunted, Tessa takes refuge with the Shadowhunters of the London Institute, who swear to find her brother if she will use her power to help them. She soon finds herself fascinated by—and torn between—two best friends: James, whose fragile beauty hides a deadly secret, and blue-eyed Will, whose caustic wit and volatile moods keep everyone in his life at arm's length...everyone, that is, but Tessa. As their search draws them deep into the heart of an arcane plot that threatens to destroy the Shadowhunters, Tessa realizes that she may need to choose between saving her brother and helping her new friends save the world...and that love may be the most dangerous magic of all.
IT'S AMAZING. IT'S TOTALY PERFECT.(全部大寫的用意就在於叫你快去買#)好啦好啦,這也超好看的,結局我覺得比TMI還驚人!!!大愛結局!!!我買了中文和原文平裝⋯⋯結果發現這套值得收藏精裝所以又重買了精裝(對⋯我是敗家女#)裡面Tessa & Will & Jem的三角戀是我這輩子(妳的這輩子其實也纔不過14年不是嗎)的最愛♥♥♥"James, whose fragile beauty hides a deadly secret, and blue-eyed Will, whose caustic wit and volatile moods keep everyone in his life at arm's length...everyone, that is, but Tessa."這幾句實在太好了:D Jem & Will也是我的愛噢噢噢###
.The Dark Artifices
It’s been five years since the events of City of Heavenly Fire that brought the Nephilim to the brink of oblivion. Los Angeles Shadowhunter Emma Carstairs is no longer a child in mourning, but a seventeen-year-old girl, bent on discovering what killed her parents and revenging her losses.
自City of Heavenly Fire的事件後,已經過了令拿非利來到遺忘那件事的邊緣的五年。洛杉磯的闇影獵人Emma Carstairs已經不是那個依然在哀弔中的小孩,卻是一個17歲的女孩,一心想找出是什麼殺害了她的父母,並為了她所失去的復仇。
Together with her parabatai Julian Blackthorn, Emma must learn to trust her head and her heart as she investigates a demonic plot that stretches from the warlock-run nightclubs of the Sunset Strip to the enchanted sea that pounds the beaches of Santa Monica. If only her heart didn’t lead her in treacherous directions… like towards the only man in the world she’s forbidden to love.
和她的帕洛巴特Julian Blackthorn一起,Emma必須相信自己的領導人(我覺得指的不是頭xdd)和心,才能調查一個邪惡的陰謀,那已由在Sunset Strip的巫師所經營的夜店,擴展到沖刷著Santa Monica海邊的迷人海洋。如果她的心沒有引領她,她可能會迷失於危險的方向⋯像是她接近在這世上她唯一被禁止愛上的人。
→Lorna的延伸概念(?):這個Emma第一次出場是在City of Heavenly Fire,然後看她的姓氏她的姓氏!!!和TID的Jem一樣♥Julian也是在City of Heavenly Fire出場,他們從小一起長大的,也⋯⋯在差不多時間失去他們的父母QAQ我在網路上查到的Emma是這樣:金髮棕眼,對Shadowhunter的身份很有熱情,很厲害的女孩(以Jace為目標xdd),但因為父母離奇死亡的關係所以個性還是有點有小黑暗ˊˋ然後來爆個雷:Emma不能愛上的人是Julian但她卻愛上了⋯(WHAT THE (反白看)
→啊啊我超想看的!!!感覺會很精彩噢噢噢♥ Emma還有Blackthorns一家的故事>  < 2016快來啊啊啊(2015才過快一半欸)我一定衝去買!
.The Last Hours
The Shadowhunters enter the Downton Abbey era in The Last Hours. Will Herondale is head of the London Institute, where he lives with his wife Tessa. But now it’s their children, James and Lucie, who take center stage, alongside their parabatai, Matthew Fairchild and Cordelia Carstairs. Begin their adventures in Chain of Thorns.
在The Last Hours中,闇影獵人進入了唐頓修道院的時代。威爾.海隆戴爾是倫敦學院的領導人,他和他的妻子泰莎住在那裡。但現在,是他們的孩子James和Lucie,與他們的帕洛巴特Matthew Fairchild 和Cordelia Carstairs,一起佔據了主要的故事舞臺。從Chain of Thorns開始他們的冒險吧!
- ☻ 請不要以這段定義TID的結局xddd因為TID不是結束在這裡⋯⋯(露出詭祕的笑(x
→Lorna的延伸概念(?):James其實是從TID的Jem的名字取來的(原因⋯我不能說不然我會再哭一次qwqqq),他有變成影子的能力噢!從媽媽那裡遺傳的特別血脈ww然後我看Bane Chronicles一小段結果覺得他也好帥\(//∇//)\ Lucie的名字則是我一看雙城記我就知道原因了orz(可是我怎麼記得Tessa一直對Lucie Manette有點微詞⋯)然後就是他們是Herondale家少數不怕鴨子的###
.Bane Chronicles 
Fans of The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices can get to know warlock Magnus Bane like never before in this collection of New York Times bestselling tales, in print for the first time with an exclusive new story and illustrated material.
This collection of eleven short stories illuminates the life of the enigmatic Magnus Bane, whose alluring personality, flamboyant style, and sharp wit populate the pages of the #1 New York Times bestselling series, The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices.
→已拿到♥ James好帥A_____A 還有Malec的BL(不是#
.Shadowhunter's Codex
Delve into the details of all things Shadowhunter with this illustrated guide to the knowledge and lore of the Shadowhunter world.
Since the thirteenth century, the Shadowhunter’s Codex has been theone and only manual for Shadowhunters looking to brush up on their demon languages, learn proper stele use, and discover just what exactly a pyxis is. Featured in both The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices, this guide is a necessity for any young Nephilim on their journey to becoming a Shadowhunter. Beautifully illustrated, the Codex contains images of the famous Shadowhunter homeland of Idris, as well as depictions of demons and other Downworlders.
But this isn’t just any copy of The Shadowhunter’s Codex. It’s Clary’s copy, and as an artist herself, she’s sketched pictures of her friends and family in the book, and scrawled helpful advice in the margins. Of course, she couldn’t exactly stop Jace or Simon from adding their thoughts either. Part encyclopedia, part history, part training manual—complete with commentary from Shadowhunters who have seen it all—this beautiful guide is a perfect supplement to the #1 New York Times bestselling series. 
→很有趣的一本書rrr 身為Shadowhunter必備xd 不過有點貴lol
.Shadowhunter Academy 
Like The Bane Chronicles, The Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy series is written by Cassandra Clare in collaboration with fellow authors and friends, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, and Robin Wasserman. Released once a month as e-novellas, the series follows the adventures of Simon Lewis, one of the stars of Cassandra Clare's internationally bestselling series The Mortal Instruments, as he trains to become a Shadowhunter. Throughout the course of Simon's education, characters from the Mortal Instruments and the Infernal Devices will make appearances, as will characters from the upcoming Dark Artifices and Last Hours series. Once a mundane, then a vampire, Simon prepares to enter the next phase of his life: Shadowhunter.
(請原諒我把所有參與寫作的人的那部分翻譯忽略)一個月釋出一個的電子書短篇,故事跟隨著賽門.路易斯的的冒險,他是Cassandra Clare的全球暢銷系列《天使聖物》的主角之一,而現在他要接受訓練成為闇影獵人。整個賽門的學習過程,《天使聖物》和《混沌魔器》的角色都會現蹤,甚至是準備到來的Dark Artifices和Last Hours兩個系列的角色。曾經是一位蒙迪,再來一個吸血鬼,現在賽門準備好進入生命的另一個階段:闇影獵人。
- 以上由Lorna整理,歡迎引用,但請勿盜用謝謝 -

是說下禮拜要段考,我只剩一個禮拜可以準備,我怎麼會找死來整理這些啊⋯⋯⋯Q Q(問妳啊 x