Google Analytics for Beginners Unit2

這個單元,主要介紹GA報表 Layout 以及Dimension / Metric觀念




Behavior行為報表:site content

Conversion轉換報表:goal/ecommerce/muti-channel funnel/attribution



1. What would you use to compare two date ranges in a report?

Hourly, Day, Week, Month views in the time graph

Real-time reports

Date range comparison

Account selector

日期設定,可在報表右上選取Date Range,勾選Compare to


2. What does the “Users” metric measure?

The total number of visits to your website

Users that had at least one session on your site in the given date range

Users that landed on the homepage of your website

Users who have signed up to an email newsletter on your website

Users指標數字代表unique users不重複使用者,載入你的網頁,至少含有一個工作階段session


3. In Google Analytics, what is the “Bounce Rate”?

The number of times unique users returned to your website in a given time period

The percentage of sessions in which a user exits from your homepage

The percentage of total site exits

The percentage of visits when a user landed on your website and exited without any interactions

Bounce Rate 跳出率:只瀏覽一頁就沒有任何動作,然後直接離開


4. In Google Analytics, what is a “dimension”?

The total amount of revenue a business has made in a given date range.

An attribute of a data set that can be organized for better analysis.

A comparison of data between two date ranges.

A report that offers information about your audience.



User type ( new & return users), Location, Age, Sex

Source, Medium(organic/cpc/referral/email/direct), Campaign

Landing Page, Page title

Prodcut, Product Category


5. In Google Analytics, what is a “metric”?

A dimension that can help you analyze site performance.

The dates in your date range.

A segment of data separated out in a report for comparison.

The numbers in a data set often paired with dimensions.


比如: country是維度, Metric-new users是人數

country-Taiwan, new users 21人


6. In Google Analytics, what is a “secondary dimension”?

An additional widget you can add to a dashboard for more specific analysis.

An additional metric you can add to a report for more specific analysis.

An additional dimension you can add to a report for more specific analysis.

A visualization that allows you to view understand the impact of your data.

Secondary Dimension代表第二維度

想知道:使用手機的訪客都先登入什麼頁面,可選取Secondary Dimension-Landing Page

你可以發現:原來用手機看文章的Landing Page是"甲狀腺亢進"的文章


7. If you wish to see if report data is performing above or below the website average, which Google Analytics visualization should you choose?

Pivot view

Comparison view

Performance view

Percentage view

GA visualization tools有5種

(1)table:標準表格, (2)pie chart:圓餅圖, (3)performance條狀圖,

(4)comparison view 比較性圖表:

a bar graph to quickly see whether each entry in the table is performing above or below the site average for the selected metric.

if the value for a given row is better than average, it appears green. if it's below average, it appears red.

(5)pivot樞紐: a pivot table in which both rows and columns can show different dimension values for comparison.


8. How do you increase the amount of data in a sampled Google Analytics report?

Choose “Greater precision” in the sampling pulldown menu

Choose “Faster response” in the sampling pulldown menu

Apply additional filters

Remove the Secondary Dimension


可選取"Slower response, greater precision"



9. By selecting “Share Template Link” you can share your dashboard and your data with another user.



Share Template Link你可以上傳分享客製化的區隔或是filter(過濾器)條件設定,



10. How many reporting widgets can you save to a dashboard?





 a dashboard lets you  save  up to 12 reporting widgets.

