現代隆乳手術的精髓在於精準以及微創, 跟過去傳統隆乳大刀闊斧的剝離空間相比,現在的空間運用腋下內視鏡隆乳或是乳下緣短距剝離、都可以達到出血極少的狀況。
第一: 手術疼痛與出血是非常有關係的,所以在第一項疼痛因素,我們已經可以大幅降低。
第三: 進行乳暈切口的時候, 會破壞部分乳腺, 而乳腺受損也是疼痛的來源之一, 另外也增加莢膜攣縮的機率!
圖像裡可能有1 人
總結來說,對於:1.手術中出血精準掌握, 2.術後有效疼痛控制,3.選擇腋下或乳下緣切口, 這樣在隆乳手術疼痛方面的不安就可以大幅降低......
How to reduce pain after breast surgery? There's things you should understand before you take the procedure.
Nowadays, breast augmentation are more precise and minimally invasive. Bloddless operation will reduce pain tremendously.
2nd, the swelling pain is due to rapid volume increasement and this pain is less preventive. We can do better pain control after operation by long-duration pain-killer.
3rd, choosing axillary or IMF, not to damage the mammary gland will also reduce postoperative pain.
In summary:
you should know
1.Bleeding and hematoma will cause significant pain after surgery.
2.Volume-expanding pain will be supported by post-operative long duration pain-killer
3.Avoid periareolar incision in order not to destroy mammary gland will also reduce pain
Choose board-certificated experienced plastic surgeon will help to have smoother postop period.
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Line @: @miracle_aesthetics
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