


1.Person Re-identification:Past, Present and Future

2.A survey of approaches and trends in person re-identification

二.part-based ReID

1.Person re- identification by multi-channel parts-based cnn with improved triplet loss function

2.Similarity Learning with Spatial Constraints for Person Re-identification

3.Learning Deep Context-Aware Features Over Body and Latent Parts for Person Re-Identification

4.Spindle Net-Person Re-Identification With Human Body Region Guided Feature Decomposition and Fusion

5.Beyond Part Models: Person Retrieval with Refined Part Pooling (and A Strong Convolutional Baseline)

6.Learning Discriminative Features with Multiple Granularities for Person Re-Identification

三.Mask-base ReID

1.Human semantic parsing for person re-identification

2.Mask-guided Contrastive Attention Model for Person Re-Identification

3.MaskReID: A Mask Based Deep Ranking Neural Network for Person Re-identification

四.pose-guided ReID

1.Pose-driven deep convolutional model for person re-identification

2.Pose transferrable person re-identification

3.Part-Aligned Bilinear Representations for Person Re-identification

4.Pose-normalized image generation for person re-identification

五.attention-model ReID

1.Diversity regularized spatiotemporal attention for video-based person re-identification

2.Dual attention matching network for context-aware feature sequence based person re-identification

3.Harmonious attention network for person re-identification.

4.Jointly Attentive Spatial-Temporal Pooling Networks for Video-based

5.See theorest for the ftrees-Joint spatial and temporal recurrent neural networks for video-based person re-identification
