
她有一個美麗的英文名字"Peace Lily",如同百合花一般純白、善良、高貴又美麗(但其實她並非Lily家族(Liliaceae) ,而是屬於天南星科Araceae)。







Peace Lily is my most favorite flower while Red Rose is in the second place.

I think Peace Lily is as beautiful as her name, so pure, kind-hearted and noble, just like Lily.(Though Peace Lily is in the family Araceae instead of Liliaceae.)

Her evergreen personality makes her an easy-going girl with smiles all the time.


I always believe the power of words(eg:Names will give things soul or saying good things will bring you good luck).  

Therefore I gave Peace Lily a nickname in Chinese "白莉莉 (Pai Lily)" which means White Lily.

Reconstructed an imaginary situation of putting myself into Peace Lily's shoes, painting down this work.

"If I were Peace Lily, I would like to paint myself of the moment I was looking back at someone, smiling and barely whispering sweet greetings."

[Oil]白莉莉的自畫像 The Portait of Peace Lily    

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