From here 初等


A good résumé doesn't sound too pushy, aggressive or assertive. It's a more subtle energy.

pushy (adj.) 有進取心的;固執己見的,一意孤行的

assertive (adj.) 觀點明確的;堅決主張的; 

subtle (adj.) 微妙的;敏感的;狡猾的;巧妙的; KK [ˋsʌt!]


She also cautioned against going overboard with fonts and colors.

caution against (v.) 警告,告誡,使小心

go overboard with (ph.) 做得過頭;過分激動;過分熱衷


when you are writing this section, anticipate the needs that are going unfilled by virtue of this vacancy.

anticipate (v.) 預測

unfilled (adj.) 未填充的, 空的

virtue (.) 美德, 價值, 長處

vacancy (n.) 空缺, 空白, 職缺


Go into more granular description of how you did your job.

grranular (adj.) 顆粒狀的, 細緻的, 仔細的


Next, list two to three accomplishments that give specific metrics and results that will resonate with the reader. Use numbers if you can. Bring it out in digestible chunks so someone can understand the success and impact of what you do.

metric (n.) 度量標準 KK [ˋmɛtrɪk] ㄇㄞtric

resonate (v.) 共鳴 KK [ˋrɛzə͵net]  哆re咪的re

digestible (adj.) 易消化的;可摘要的,易理解的; KK [daɪˋdʒɛstəb!]

chunk (n.) (某物)相當大的數量或部分



elaborate (v./adj.) 詳盡說明,盡心竭力地做/複雜的;精心製作的;精巧的; KK [ɪˋlæbə͵ret] 以賴ㄅrate

relief (n.) 寬慰,安心;免除,減輕;救援物資;代班人; 

ultimately (adv.) 最後,最終;基本上;根本;郅; KK [ˋʌltəmɪtlɪ] 歐特(3聲)"ㄇㄜ"理 

accordion (n.) 手風琴



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