▲英國威廉王子全家福(圖/翻攝Kensingtonroyal Instagram)
▲英國威廉王子全家福(圖/翻攝Kensingtonroyal Instagram)

英國威廉王子對同性戀者的支持,不遺餘力,除了曾在 2016 年為英國知名同志雜誌 Attitude 拍攝封面,成為史上首位登上該雜志的王室成員外,更在 2017 年獲頒「年度直同志獎」( straight ally of the year )。最近他公開表示,如果子女中有人是同性戀者,他會全力支持孩子的決定。威廉王子這番話,對 LGBTQ(男女同性戀、雙性戀、跨性別者、酷兒)社羣,別具意義。

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Ahead of the annual #prideinlondon parade and in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising, The Duke of Cambridge visited Albert Kennedy Trust (akt) to learn about the issue of LGBTQ+ youth homelessness, and the positive change that akt are enacting through their unique prevention and early action approach. The Duke met people supported by akt, and spoke to staff about the services they provide including the ‘Purple Door’ safe house, LGBTQ+ ‘host’ (or carer) services, in-person and online mentoring programmes and a range of youth engagement activities. Among the people The Duke met was Faz, an akt Young Ambassador and trans Muslim man. Faz lost his parents when he was younger and was living with extended family, but had to leave home after they reacted badly to him coming out as trans. akt helped support Faz, and he was one of the first people to move into Purple Door. Swipe to see Faz speak about how akt helped him, and see more from The Duke’s visit. Almost one quarter of the 150,000 young people facing or experiencing homelessness identify as LGBTQ+, and 77 per cent of those cite rejection or abuse from their families as what has led them to being so. akt has provided over 250,000 nights off the street and supported over 50,000 LGBTQ+ young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Today The Duke officially opened akt’s new services centre in Hoxton, which will host drop-in sessions for young people and grow its youth engagement offering. The Stonewall uprising took place in New York on June 28, 1969, and is seen as the moment that sparked the modern LGBTQ+ movement around the world. Pride marches around the world will be recognising the anniversary, including Pride in London, where akt staff and supporters will be marching. @aktcharity #LGBTQ #Pride

Kensington Palace(@kensingtonroyal)分享的貼文 於 張貼

威廉王子 2011 年與凱特結婚後,育有 3 名兒女。他在出席倫敦LGBTQ 青年慈善機構「亞伯特甘迺迪信託」( Albert Kennedy Trust,AKT ),現場一名年輕人問威廉,如果喬治、夏綠蒂或路易有天坦承自己是同性戀或雙性戀時,威廉會有什麼反應?


威廉王子指出,現今社會中,LGBTQ 成員仍承受極大壓力,造成他們的自殺率比一般人來得高,他希望各界都該試圖去協助導正不正確的觀念,並協助這羣人。

「亞伯特甘迺迪信託」首席執行長希格沃斯( Tim Sigsworth )表示,威廉王子身為王室成員,他的評論對於 LGBTQ 成員將有極大的幫助,也讓這些人所面對的問題更廣為人知。

英國王室家族對同性戀議題態度正面,2018 年英國女王伊莉莎白二世的表弟蒙巴頓勳爵( Lord Ivar Mountbatten )與同性伴侶結婚,是英國首位公開出櫃並結婚的王室成員。
