
自閉症越來越為普遍,根據2014年的新調查指出,目前美國大約每68名幼童,就有一位是自閉兒(註),而全美約有超過三百五十萬名自閉兒。在小孩滿兩歲之後,美國的兒科醫師都會給家長一張問卷,調查孩子生活中的各種情況,目的就是為了檢測小孩有沒有自閉症譜系障礙(Autism Spectrum Disorders,簡寫ASD )。早期發現,早期治療,家長們趕緊做個測驗吧~千萬不要錯過診療的黃金時期唷!




自從柯文哲先生公開提過自己與兒子都有亞斯柏格症 (Asperger Syndrome) 之後,許多人開始關注此一特質。


亞斯柏格症、自閉症、待分類的廣泛性發展障礙(PDD-NOS,Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified)都屬於自閉症譜系障礙的範疇。


美國精神醫學會在2012年底取消亞斯伯格症這個名稱,並且把它歸類到自閉症譜系障礙(ASD) 當中,因此我們通常簡稱這三種症狀為「自閉症」。




其中,亞斯柏格症患者的智力正常,甚至還有許多人的智商非常高。 某些偉大的科學家,例如牛頓、愛因斯坦,就被後人認為具有亞斯柏格症的特質。


註:美國疾病控制與預防中心 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,CDC)在2014年發新聞稿指出,目前每68名孩童,就有一位具備自閉症譜系障礙






<幼兒自閉症譜系障礙 自我檢測問卷>

M-CHAT-R (Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised)


*If your child is below 24 months, please rescreen then.












1. If you point at something across the room, does your child look at it?
(For Example, if you point at a toy or an animal, does your child look at the toy or animal?)

1、 如果你用手指了房間的另一頭,你的孩子會看向那邊嗎?
(例如,如果你的手指向一個玩具或動物,你的孩子也會轉頭去看玩具或動物嗎? )

2. Have you ever wondered if your child might be deaf?

2、 你有沒有想過,你的孩子可能是個聾子?

3. Does your child play pretend or make-believe?
(For Example, pretend to drink from an empty cup, pretend to talk on a phone, or pretend to feed a doll or stuffed animal?)

3、 你的孩子會玩扮家家酒之類的遊戲嗎?
(例如,假裝從一個空的杯子喝水,假裝講一通電話,或者假裝餵洋娃娃與填充玩具喫東西? )

4. Does your child like climbing on things?
(For Example, furniture, playground equipment, or stairs.)

4、 請問你的孩子喜歡攀爬任何東西嗎?

5. Does your child make unusual finger movements near his or her eyes?
(For Example, does your child wiggle his or her fingers close to his or her eyes?)

5、 你的孩子會把手指放在眼睛附近,並且做一些奇怪的舉動嗎?


6. Does your child point with one finger to ask for something or to get help?
(For Example, pointing to a snack or toy that is out of reach)

6、 請問你的孩子需要幫忙時,會用手指著某樣東西,請你幫他拿嗎?


7. Does your child point with one finger to show you something interesting?
(For Example, pointing to an airplane in the sky or a big truck in the road)

7、 請問你的孩子會用手指著某樣物品,向你展示一些他覺得有趣的事情嗎?

8. Is your child interested in other children?
(For Example, does your child watch other children, smile at them, or go to them?)

8、 你的孩子會對其他小孩感興趣嗎?
(例如,你的孩子會看著其他孩子,對他們微笑,或者去找他們玩嗎? )

9. Does your child show you things by bringing them to you or holding them up for you to see — not to get help, but just to share?
(For Example, showing you a flower, a stuffed animal, or a toy truck)

9、 你的孩子會給你看某樣東西,而且不是為了得到幫助,純粹只是想要與你分享嗎?

10. Does your child respond when you call his or her name?
(For Example, does he or she look up, talk or babble, or stop what he or she is doing when you call his or her name?)

10、 當你呼喚他或她的名字時,你的孩子會作出回應嗎?
(例如,當你呼喚孩子的名字時,他會不會抬頭跟你說話,或者停止他正在做的某件事情呢? )

11. When you smile at your child, does he or she smile back at you?

11、 當你對孩子微笑時,他也會以微笑回應你嗎?

12. Does your child get upset by everyday noises?
(For Example, does your child scream or cry to noise such as a vacuum cleaner or loud music?)

12、 你的孩子聽到日常噪音時,會情緒不穩定嗎?
(例如,只要聽到吸塵器或嘈雜的音樂聲,你的孩子就會開始尖叫或哭泣嗎? )

13. Does your child walk?

13、 請問你的孩子會走路嗎?

14. Does your child look you in the eye when you are talking to him or her, playing with him or her, or dressing him or her?


15. Does your child try to copy what you do?
(For Example, wave bye-bye, clap, or make a funny noise when you do)

15、 你的孩子會試著模仿你做的事情嗎?

16. If you turn your head to look at something, does your child look around to see what you are looking at?

16、 如果你把頭轉向一邊,注視著某樣東西,你的孩子也會轉頭四處找找看,想知道到底大人在看什麼東西嗎?

17. Does your child try to get you to watch him or her?
(For Example, does your child look at you for praise, or say “look” or “watch me”?)

17、 你的孩子會試圖吸引你的注意力,讓你把目光集中在他身上嗎?
(例如,你的孩子會看著你,希望得到讚美,或者說「看」或「看我」嗎 ? )

18. Does your child understand when you tell him or her to do something?
(For Example, if you don't point, can your child understand “put the book on the chair” or “bring me the blanket”?)

18、 當你告訴他去做某件事情時,請問你的孩子是否能夠明白呢?

19. If something new happens, does your child look at your face to see how you feel about it?
(For Example, if he or she hears a strange or funny noise, or sees a new toy, will he or she look at your face?)

19、 如果有什麼新的情況發生,你的孩子會看著你的臉,試圖想瞭解你的感覺嗎?
(例如,如果他或她聽到一個陌生的或有趣的聲音,或者看到一個新的玩具,他會看著你的臉嗎? )

20. Does your child like movement activities?
(For Example, being swung or bounced on your knee)

20、 請問你的孩子喜歡動態的活動嗎?





M-CHAT-R Risk Score: 0














This questionnaire is designed to screen for autism, not other developmental issues.

If you are concerned about any area of your child's behaviors or developments, please take your child to see a health care provider and discuss these concerns with your child's doctor.

