


Two of my colleagues and I always like to explore the neighborhood of our company during lunch break.

There’re no specific spot until we found our secret base- the front door of an izakaya. Nevertheless, we never know this

is in fact quite a famous izakaya in Taipei since we just have to much to talk about.


在此基尼要特別謝謝非常熱情而且友善的店員們,在發現地盤被佔據時沒有將我們掃地出門~ 而我們也決定在這裡共渡一個歡樂的

Friday night!~

I hereby express my gratitude to the extremely friendly staffs. Instead of asking us to not keep occupying their territory,

they chat with us. Thus, we decided to spend our Friday night here~



The Japanese-style décor makes me feel like I was in Japan~ Very typical izakaya style. We couldn’t help taking pictures.




There are four seat-types available, ranging from the regular seating, bar seating, Japanese seating and a stateroom.


點菜時間到!~ 來到居酒屋,怎麼能沒有點酒呢!~喜歡日本酒的朋友來到這裡一定會開心的笑不攏嘴,這裡有清酒、啤酒還有女生也會喜歡


Time to order~ For those who likes Japanese wine, this is the izakaya you would not like to miss. They offer wide ranges

of Japanese wine, such as, Japanese bear, sake, sour and prune flavored wine. Of course they also offer some

non-alcoholic drinks.




The very first dish is grilled ox tongue. It is highly suggested to have it while it is hot though I was too busy

taking pictures to do so. The pinky ox tongue really speak for itself already- so yummy~! One of the fellows who

claims doesn’t like it ended up can’t stop having it.




Fried chicken soft bone was followed by the ox tongue. I’m terribly sorry that no pictures of it can be posted.

All the ones that I took were not clear. I was just eager to eat it. To drizzle some lime juice and sprinkle some

seven-flavor spice, you just can’t stop yourself having it. It goes with bears very well.


這道特製玉子-明太子,聽同事說是招牌菜,不點太對不起大家!半生熟的蛋在口中滑溜滑溜,搭配上明太子的特殊香氣~ 很不錯唷!~


Cod Roe Tamagoyaki, this is a recommended specialty of the restaurant. The silky texture of the egg goes with the

cod roe flavored with red pepper sauce- very special. It is really something for those who likes cod roe.


雞肉丸子- 當場被菲律賓來的朋友和同事大誇!他們邊吃邊豎起大姆指的模樣真的很逗趣!也引起了基尼的高度興趣!這雞肉丸子走的是


Chicken balls, this is considered one of the best dish by my colleague and the Filipino friend. The texture of the chicken

ballsis fluffy goes with very well with the rare egg yolks. The spring onions bring the chicken balls an extra flavor also

helps removing the unpleasant smell of eggs.


麵飯吵架,很有趣的名字! 以白話文翻譯就是炒飯裡頭加了麵!這道菜基尼推薦給有帶小朋友到這裡用餐的朋友,小人們應該會覺得很有趣。

“Noodles flight with Rice”- very interesting name. To put it bluntly, it is fried rice with a bit of noodles in it.

This should be fancy to the kids.


重頭戲登場~ 廣島燒!這道菜看似平凡又簡單,其實要做得好,一點都不容易!從高麗菜的量、豬肉的選擇到醬汁都是要非常計較的呢!


Here comes the best part~ Okonomiyaki! This dish looks simple but it is actually not easy to make it right.

To make a good one, the amount of the cabbage, the choice of pork and sauce should be taken into consideration.

The pork they used here is good quality and the flavor of the sauce is moderate. I would say this dish is the best

out of six. 


店家資訊:                                              Info of Teppan Izakaya:

地址: 臺北市敦化南路二段26513號          Add: 13, Ln 265, Dunhua S Rd Sec 2, Taipei City

預約電話:02-27389171                          Tel: 02-27389171

營業時間:週一至週五18:0024:00            Open: Mondays through Fridays from 6pm to 12am; 

週六至週日12:0024:00                                   Saturdays and Sundays from 12pm to 12am

平均消費單價為880元                               Average cost per head: NTD 880

前往鐡匠官網 Teppan Izakaya website (請點我 Click here)

前往鐡匠臉書粉絲專頁 Teppan Izakaya FB page (請點我 Click here)



There are some more dishes that I'd also like to try next time, such as "strawberry yogurt wine and cheese burger~




This Japanese izakaya is highly recommended for those who like to have a couple of drinks with friends

and/or colleagues after works. Other than the hospitality of the staffs, the quality of the dishes, the working

areas are spotless which is praiseworthy.


延伸閱讀: 1 Bite2Go Cafe & Deli 經典美式餐廳 American Restaurant (請點我)


▍基尼愛胡鬧 since 2015   ★按圖片直達粉絲團★

   My facebook page Since 2015       click the picture














