This is what I remember of what happened on the bus ride of the Boy Scout Camping Trip.


It took a looong time to get to the camping area. We got there at about 2:00pm. During the bus ride, the first place we stopped at was a place with a restaurant and a huge public bathroom. In the restaurant, there were 2 fish tanks, a huge rectangular tank and a smaller circular tank. In the smaller tank, there were tiny fish, clownfish, etc, and small jellyfish-like things. I took a lot of pictures which I'll post when I have the time. Jerry, Louis and I, and my friend from last time with a couple of other people, went over to look at the fish. In the big tank, there were big fish, stingrays, and other weird things. We all spent a lot of time at the fish tank. The big fish tank had 3 sides open to the public, the other side was a wall. It was a small staircase going down on one of the sides so the ground of the tank looked a bit slanted from that angle. After we finished looking at the fish, we went down the staircase and explored the room. It was basically another place full of restaurants and other goods. It looked like some sort of mall. One of the places was a perfume shop. Behind it was a huge collection of stones hung on strings. I have no idea why they did that though. It was weird. We didn't buy anything, because the stuff st this place was mostly for adults. The only stores there that had stuff that kids liked, was a 7-Eleven and a candy store. The candy store had all sorts of candy but was way too expensive to me so I didn't let Jerry or Louis buy anything there. The 7-Eleven was too crowded so we skipped that too. Soon afterwards we finished browsing, we took roll call at the bus and went off to wherever we were supposed to go next.


The next place we stopped at was another building with restaurants and a bathroom next to it.  There were only like 5 small restaurants in that building, if you count a 7-Eleven and a tea shop. We were supposed to buy lunch here, they told us. I remember I was thinking something along the lines of "It's only 10:30am and it's lunch already?" We browsed the 7-Eleven and I was about to pick out a dried noodle when Louis said that he didn't want to eat 7-Eleven stuff so we had to go to one of those other small restaurants. We evetually ended up with 2 servings of fried noodles and meatball soup. Louis didn't feel like eating fried noodles so he just got soup and shared our noodles. We only had about 10 minutes to buy our stuff because there was a storm coming and it looked like it was going to pour buckets any minute. So we ate hurriedly, but before we had finished, the "teacher" told us to go to the bus and finish. I was glad that we had gotten take out food instead of those food you have to eat in the restaurant. After that stop, we stopped at a few more places that I don't remember. The trip was mostly uneventful as far as I remember, afterwards. I remeber falling asleep, switching seats a lot but that's pretty much it.







