▲▼美妇心脏骤停27分钟 醒来称上过天堂遇到耶稣。(图/翻摄自IG「madiejohnson」)

▲海因斯醒来后写下「It's real」。(图/翻摄自IG「madiejohnson」)


美国加州(California)妇女海因斯(Tina Hines)因心脏病发作,经历了长达27分钟的死亡,被救醒后在纸上写下「(天堂)是真的」(It's real),而且色彩非常鲜活。海因斯的姪女蔷森(Madie Johnson)则是把她写下的凌乱字迹刺在手腕上,并贴文和2.4万名粉丝分享,「太酷了,不得不告诉大家。」

综合外电报导,平时生活作息相当健康的海因斯于2018年2月准备和老公布莱恩(Brian)去登山,地点在亚利桑那州的凤凰城(Phoenix, Arizona),但就在出发前,她突然晕厥倒地。布莱恩立刻对她实施心肺复苏术(CPR),一直到救护车来前都没有停止;送往医院途中,接手的救护人员5度(蔷森的说法是4次)使用心脏去颤救护器对她进行急救。

▲▼美妇心脏骤停27分钟 醒来称上过天堂遇到耶稣。(图/翻摄自IG「madiejohnson」)


海因斯一度死亡长达27分钟,最终在医院被救活。她醒来后体力非常虚弱无法说话,激动地要来纸和笔,以凌乱难解的字迹写下「这是真的」。她后来接受基督教广播网(CBN NEWS)访问时表示,天堂是真的,「太真实了,而且色彩非常鲜活。」海因斯描述,她看到天堂黑色的大门,耶稣就站在她面前,背后闪耀著金色的光芒。


在 Instagram 查看这则贴文

(sharing because this story is too cool not to share) A little over a year ago my Aunt Tina, one of the most amazing, discerning, and healthy people I know had an unexpected cardiac arrest and according to doctors had died and was brought back to life four times by my Uncle Brian and first responders before arriving to the hospital. She was put on a defibrillator and after miraculously waking up the first thing she did, unable to speak because she was intubated, was ask for a pen and in my cousins journal wrote “it’s real”. The people in the room asked “what’s real?” and she responded by pointing up to heaven with tears in her eyes. Her story is too real not to share and has given me a stronger confidence in a faith that so often goes unseen. It has given me a tangibleness to an eternal hope that is not too far away. I love you @_tinahines! The way you boldly love Jesus and others has changed the way I hope to live and love❤️

Madie Johnson(@madiejohnson)分享的贴文 于 张贴
