I found myself dreaming in silver and gold
在梦里清醒 衣著华丽穿金戴银
Like a scene from a movie that every broken heart knows
彷若置身 令人心碎的电影场景
We were walking on moonlight and you pulled me close
漫步月光下 你我距离逐渐缩短
Split second and you disappeared and then I was all alone
转眼你消失眼前 留我孤独一人

I woke up in tears with you by my side
哭著醒来 身旁的你还在
A breath of relief and I realized
松了口气 我才终于明白
No, we're not promised tomorrow
未来的一切 全是未知数

So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you
所以我要 奋不顾身爱你 仿佛即将失去你
I'm gonna hold you like I'm saying goodbye
敞开胸怀 双手紧拥著你 就像即将要分离
Wherever we're standing I won't take you for granted
无论身在何处 你的付出 我将会永远珍惜
'Cuz we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time
因为不知何时 我们的感情 会被消磨殆尽
So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you
所以我要 奋不顾身爱你 仿佛即将失去你
I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you
我将用尽 全心全意爱你 就像即将失去你

In the blink of an eye just a whisper of smoke
只要眨眼一瞬 顷刻的吞云吐雾
You could lose everything the truth is you never know
就可能一无所有 没有人能先知
So I'll kiss you longer baby any chance that I get
把握每次机会 好让我吻你更深
I'll make the most of the minutes and love with no regrets
每分每秒都全心爱你 不留遗憾

Let's take our time to say what we want
放慢脚步 说出心中欲望
Here's what we got before it's all gone
珍惜所有 在一切消失前
'Cuz no, we're not promised tomorrow
因为未来 我们无法预测

So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you
所以我要 奋不顾身爱你 仿佛即将失去你
I'm gonna hold you like I'm saying goodbye
敞开胸怀 双手紧拥著你 就像即将要分离
Wherever we're standing I won't take you for granted
无论身在何处 你的付出 我将会永远珍惜
'Cuz we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time
因为不知何时 我们的感情 会被消磨殆尽
So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you
所以我要 奋不顾身爱你 仿佛即将失去你
I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you
我将用尽 全心全意爱你 就像即将失去你

I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you
所以我要 奋不顾身爱你 仿佛即将失去你
I'm gonna hold you like I'm saying goodbye
敞开胸怀 双手紧拥著你 就像即将要分离
Wherever we're standing I won't take you for granted
无论身在何处 你的付出 我将会永远珍惜
'Cuz we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time
因为不知何时 我们的感情 会被消磨殆尽
So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you
所以我要 奋不顾身爱你 仿佛即将失去你
I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you
我将用尽 全心全意爱你 就像即将失去你



