


Shmily= say how mach i love you


Paradise 天堂

Eternity 永恆

Fantastic 美妙的

Destiny 命運

Freedom 自由

Liberty 自主

Tranquillity 安寧

Blossom 花叢

Sunshine 陽光

Gorgeous 絢麗的

Cherish 喜愛

Grace 優美

Rainbow 彩虹

Blue 藍色


Twinkle 閃爍

Bliss 祝福

Lullaby 催眠曲

Cosy 舒適的

Butterfly 蝴蝶

Galaxy 天體

Moment 瞬間

Aqua 水

Sentiment 傷感的

Bubble 泡泡


If 如果

Paradox 矛盾

Delicacy 精美


Umbrella 雨傘

Gothic 哥特式的

Smithereens 碎片

Zing 生命力

unique 唯一的

final 最後

believe 相信


類似serendipity euphoria 這類表達細微情感的詞 感覺蠻有意思的

Serendipity (n.)

The chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way.

Example: We all have experienced the serendipity of important information arriving just when we were least expecting it.

Petrichor (n.)

The pleasant, earthy smell after rain.

Example: Although I do love the pleasant, dewy petrichor of the post-rain afternoon, I still hope the weather stays sunny.

Supine (adj.)

Lying face upwards

Example: She was lying supine on the beach chair looking at the sky.

Solitude (n.)

A state of seclusion or isolation.

Example: We enjoyed the beauty and solitude of the quiet beach more than ever.

Aurora (n.)

The dawn in the early morning.

Example: The aurora over the skyline was too beautiful not to photograph.

Idyllic (adj.)

Like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.

Example: The blossom growing in the courtyard created such an idyllic setting.

Clinomania (n.)

Excessive desire to stay in bed.

Example: I definitely have clinomania; I love sleeping, making mornings a struggle for me.

Pluviophile (n.)

A lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.

Example: My sister is a real pluviophile; she really enjoys the weather in the rainy season.

Euphoria (n.)

A feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.

Example: The euphoria of passing my final exam is a feeling I will never forget.

Sequoia (n.)

(A 7 letter word that has the letter Q and all 5 vowels) A redwood tree, especially the California redwood.

Example: I love visiting forests where you can see a sequoia.




公眾號也是同名哦~ 也歡迎大家的關注~


1.天門中斷,楚江開,碧水東流至此。回兩岸,青山相對,出孤帆,一片日邊來。2.天門中斷楚江,開碧水,東流至此。回兩岸青山,相對出孤帆,一片,日邊來。 3.天門中斷楚,江開碧水,東流至此回。兩岸青山相對,出孤帆一片,日邊來" ?gz?+|
