
C++ 2.0 前,引用沒有左右值的限制。

The reason to allow references to be initialized by non-lvalues was to allow the distinction between call-by-value and call-by-reference to be a detail specified by the called function and of no interest to the caller. For const references, this is possible; for non-const references it is not. For Release 2.0 the definition of C++ was changed to reflect this.

允許引用綁定非左值的初衷在於「讓傳值還是傳引用成為函數本身的細節,調用者不用去關心」,這一點,在 const 引用上可以達到,而非 const 引用調用者沒法不關心傳值還是傳引用,所以乾脆禁止掉了。C++ 2.0 特意為此在語言方面作出了調整。

其實不僅是無法實現初衷,非 const 引用綁定非左值還會讓 C++ 變「坑」,Bjarne 意識到了這樣做的問題:

I made one serious mistake, though, by allowing a non-const reference to be initialized by a non-lvalue. For example:

void incr(int rr) { rr++; }

void g()
double ss = 1;
incr(ss); // note: double passed, int expected
// (fixed: error in Release 2.0)

Because of the difference in type the int cannot refer to the double passed so a temporary was generated to hold an int initialized by sss value. Thus, incr() modified the temporary, and the result wasnt reflected back to the calling function.



It is important that const references can be initialized by non-lvalues and lvalues of type that require conversion. In particular, this is what allows a Fortran function to be called with a constant:

extern "Fortran" float sqrt(const float);

void f()
sqrt(2); // call by reference

為了支持 Fortran 足夠服人了吧?

以上引用出自《C++ 設計與演化》。

常量左值引用 在c98中被稱為"萬能「引用類型


int d = 100;

const int e = 100;

const int c = d;//接受一個非常量左值

const int v = e;//接受一個常量左值

const int z = 3 + 4;//接受一個右值

關於右值引用的說明可參考:c++ 11 移動語義、std::move 左值、右值、將亡值、純右值、右值引用



int main()
const int a = 53;

const int a = 53;

009A1808 mov dword ptr [ebp-18h],35h // 53 被放到了棧里 009A180F lea eax,[ebp-18h] 009A1812 mov dword ptr [a],eax


const int a = 53;

int main()
std::cout &

std::cout &010625BE mov esi,esp 010625C0 push offset std::endl& &> (01061064h) 010625C5 mov edi,esp 010625C7 mov eax,dword ptr [a (0106A138h)] // 53 被放在了堆上010625CC mov ecx,dword ptr [eax] ------------------------------------------------自己寫一句然後看看反彙編代碼。

不想寫的。但是看了很多類似的問題。別的答案 一些垃圾半吊子 扯了半天 什麼 const 引用安全,, 真是吐了, 人要有自己思想啊。 還是本答案靠譜回答多

詳見《C++ Primer Plus》(第六版) 262頁
