




從小到大就覺得好萊塢電影是科幻片的number one,但今天,在老美面前分享國產科幻片,真的非常的自豪。




對這部片子感興趣的一般是這兩類人: 科幻迷,而且讀過劉慈欣的小說,對影片相當期待。另外就是一直關注中國政治,經濟,文化新聞的人。通常這些人會一些中文,並且身邊有中國朋友,對中國文化有不同程度的了解。

自從《三體》英文版的出版,劉慈欣已經是世界科幻界的名人(有評論稱他是中國的Arthur C.Clarke)。我在 「GOODREADS」 網站上看到劉慈欣小說的評級都很高,而且評論有深度。對他小說的想像力和宏大敘事的風格表示有耳目一新的感覺。所以這一批科幻迷是潛在的觀眾群。這些影迷做出的評價都比較客觀,如以下這篇評論來自美國科技媒體網站: THER VERGE。


China』s blockbuster The Wandering Earth is rich, gorgeous, and goofy

題目大致就是:中國大片《流浪地球》內容豐富,精彩,帶點古怪。作者表示《流浪地球》從創作題材到表現手法都有好萊塢大片的影子,所以美國觀眾會有熟悉感。影片體現出的科幻美感令人難忘。(No matter how familiar the plot beats feel, that level of attention not just to functional special effects, but to outright beauty, makes The Wandering Earth memorable)。作者(Tasha Robinson) 也感受到中國影片獨特的文化視角,比如更強調家庭觀念,集體主義,全球協作等。她認為《流浪地球》和俄國科幻大片「Salyut-7」一樣給美國觀眾帶來新奇的文化體驗。

另外一個影迷的評論(Simon Abrams,https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/the-wandering-earth-2019) 也很肯定影片的成績。他說『 《流浪地球》治癒了我的冬季抑鬱症「。("The Wandering Earth" cured my winter depression.)。

"The Wandering Earth" looks better than most American special-effects spectaculars because it gives you breathing space to admire landscape shots of a dystopian Earth that suggest old fashioned matte-paintings on steroids. Although Gwo and his team realized their expensive-looking vision with the help of a handful of visual effects studios, including the Weta Workshop, they have somehow blended their many influences in bold, stylish ways that only Hollywood filmmakers like James Cameron and Steven Spielberg have previously managed.


A week after seeing "The Wandering Earth," Im still marveling at how good it is. I cant think of another recent computer-graphics-driven blockbuster that left me feeling this giddy because of its creators can-do spirit and consummate attention to detail. The future is here, and it is nerve-wracking, gorgeous, and Chinese.

作者在觀影后一周還沉浸在影片之中。他對影片的總結是』 讓人激動,充滿吸引力,中國特色」。

值得提出的是美國知名作家,經濟學家Tyler Cowen (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyler_Cowen )也寫了一篇簡短的影評。Tyler 一直對中國事務感興趣, 他的博客「Marginal Revolution」 很有知名度。他的博客里時不時會有關於中國的新聞和評論。https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2019/02/the-wandering-earth-big-spoilers-here-but-not-suspenseful-in-any-case.html)

I can』t say this is a good movie. It has a nonsensical plot (you really can』t get that far from the sun…cold is not the only problem!), unmemorable characters, and mediocre dialog. Still, it is interesting. You see two hours of the Chinese building all sorts of big infrastructure, and imagining their future as world leader.

他在博客中寫道; 「我 不認為這是個好片子。情節不合理...人物沒有特色, 對白溫吞。但是,還是很有趣。你在這兩個小時里看中國人建造各種大型設施,想像他們作為世界領導人的未來。」


By the end of the movie the Chinese can indeed 「do anything.」How』s that for thinking big?

他說『 影片結尾,中國人可以完成任何事。這算不算是大格局思維?」

他的影評下的網友評論挺有意思,有人(Ian CoKehyeng)寫了大段評論反駁Tyler的觀點(英文如下),他認為《流浪地球》的主旨壓根和聖經沒有關係,中國也不是拯救地球的主要領導國家。影片強調的是全球協作等。看來是有人很用心的看電影的,注意到很多細節。

「On whether this movie depicts Chinese leadership, I strongly disagree. China is portrayed as an active and collaborative member of the international community (therefore held in higher esteem than today), but it is clearly not a leader. First, the United Earth Government (whose leader speaks French despite the largest demographic on Earth being presumably Chinese or Indian) is never repudiated and must authorize every action the astronaut takes; from messaging Earth to his kamikaze maneuver.

There was no thought leadership when the Chinese team came up with the plane to shoot the concentrated beam to Jupiter. It was revealed that an Israeli team had already developed that plan and the UEG analyzed its feasibility long before they even first thought of it. The Chinese team was not technological superior, it was shown that even Indonesians and Indians had the same equipment and technology. While the Chinese team was the focus, they were depicted as being part of a larger international effort spanning many teams who were all trying to save the Earth. In fact, the Chinese team was not doing anything exclusive as even during the attempt to beam up Jupiter, it was shown that other engines were attempting to do the same. The only exclusive action that the Chinese could take credit for was the astronauts kamikaze maneuver, but that was very last minute and received the authorization of the UEG.」










不過IMDB上面的兩篇影評都給出了很不錯的評價,和我們談論的問題一樣,這篇影評也討論了流浪地球背後的科學支撐羸弱、朵朵演技和英文字幕等問題,下面的評論也指出了鏡頭後世界其他國家人民做出的努力。影評最後給出的結論是「a wholly different science fiction epic that marks a milestone in Chinese cinema.」(一部完全不同的科幻史詩,標誌著中國電影的里程碑)

Movie Review - Wandering Earth, The - eFilmCritic?


Movie Review: The Wandering Earth from GoFatherhood??


