




├── A Practical Introduction to HardwareSoftware Codesign.pdf
├── cadence_lab_doc_materia.zip
├── chisel-book.pdf
├── chisel-getting-started-chinese.pdf
├── CMOS VLSI Design A Circuits and Systems Perspective 4th Edition.pdf
├── Complex Digital Circuits.pdf
├── DC
│ ├── DC200703_LabGuide.pdf
│ ├── DC student guide(中文翻譯).pdf
│ ├── Design Compiler 1 Workshop Student Guide 2007.03.pdf
│ ├── Design Compiler Topographical Graphical Workshop Student Guide.pdf
│ └── Sysnopsys_DC200703_Labs.zip
├── Digital and Statistical Signal Processing.pdf
├── Digital Logic Design Using Verilog Coding and RTL Synthesis.pdf
├── Digital Systems.pdf
├── Digital VLSI Design with Verilog.pdf
├── EDA for IC System Design, Verification, and Testing.pdf
├── Emailing RTL Coding Style Gold Book_Coding_Guidelines.pdf
├── ICC
│ ├── IC_Compiler_gui_2010
│ └── icc_workshop lab guide 2013.12-SP2.pdf
├── Joseph Cavanagh-Verilog HDL Design Examples-(2018).pdf
├── Low Power VLSI Design.pdf
├── Principles of VLSI RTL Design.pdf
├── PT
│ ├── ces_pt_clocks_2007.06.tar.gz
│ ├── PT1_2008.06_LG.pdf
│ ├── PT1_2008.06_SG.pdf
│ ├── pt_1_2008.06.tar.gz
│ ├── PT2_Clocks_200706_LG.pdf
│ └── PT2_Clocks_200706_SG.pdf
├── RTL Design Style Guide for Verilog HDL.pdf
├── Stanford_ee108a_Class_Notes.pdf
├── Static Timing Analysis for Nanometer Designs.pdf
├── The Art of Hardware Architecture.pdf
├── Verilog_Frequently_Asked_Questions.pdf
├── VLSI數字信號處理系統設計與實現.pdf
├── 定點乘法器設計(中文).pdf
├── 數字集成電路物理設計.pdf
├── 片上系統設計思想與源代碼分析_陳曦編.pdf
├── 硬體架構的藝術 數字電路的設計方法與技術.pdf
├── 終極內存技術指南.pdf
└── 跨時鐘域設計.pdf

├── ces_uvm-1.2_2016.06.tar.gz
├── Comprehensive_Functional_Verification_The_Complete_Industry_Cycle.pdf
├── coverage-cookbook-complete-verification-academy.pdf
├── Effective Functional Verification.pdf
├── Formal Verification An Essential Toolkit for Modern VLSI Design.pdf
├── [IEEE]SystemVerilog.std.1800-2012.pdf
├── Labs_UVM-1.1-2011.12.rar
├── Mentor_UVM_CookBook.pdf
├── SVAThePowerOfAssertionsInSystemVerilog.pdf
├── SystemVerilogAssertionsAndFunctionalCoverage.pdf
├── SystemVerilog For Design.pdf
├── SystemVerilog for Verification.pdf
├── SystemVerilog Verification UVM 1.1 Lab Guide.pdf
├── SystemVerilog Verification UVM 1.1 Student Guide.pdf
├── SystemVerilog-快速語法參考.pdf
├── SystemVerilog 驗證測試平臺編寫指南.pdf
├── The UVM Primer A Step by Step Introduction to the Universal Verification Methodology.pdf
├── The UVM Primer chn.pdf
├── UVM_Class_Reference_Manual_1.2.pdf
├── uvm-cookbook-complete-verification-academy_20141116.pdf
├── uvm_users_guide_1.2.pdf
├── UVM實戰(卷Ⅰ).pdf
└── Verilog and SystemVerilog Gotchas.pdf

├── A Pipelined Multi-core MIPS Machine.pdf
├── Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach 3rd Edition.pdf
├── Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach 4th Edition.pdf
├── Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach 5th Edition.pdf
├── Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach 6th Edition.pdf
├── Computer Organization and Architecture 9ed(william stallings).pdf
├── Computer Organization and Design The Hardware Software Interface 5th Edition.pdf
├── Computer Organization and Design The Hardware Software Interface ARM Edition.pdf
├── Computer Organization and Design The Hardware Software Interface RISC-V Edition.pdf
├── CPU自製入門.pdf
├── Digital Design and Computer Architecture,Exercises Solutions.pdf
├── Digital Design and Computer Architecture, Second Edition.pdf
├── PCI_Express_System_Architecture.pdf
├── PCI_Express 體系結構導讀_王齊.pdf
├── PCI_SPEV_V3_0.pdf
├── riscv-spec-v2.1 中文版.pdf
├── Yamin Li-Computer Principles and Design in Verilog HDL-Wiley (2015).pdf
├── 開源軟核處理器OPENRISC的SOPC設計.pdf
├── 數字設計和計算機體系結構.pdf
├── 步步驚「芯」-軟核處理器內部設計分析.pdf
├── 計算機系統結構——量化研究方法(第三版)中文版.pdf
├── 計算機組成原理(第二版).pdf
└── 超標量處理器設計.pdf



歡迎關注微信公眾號 「數字晶元實驗室」


同意 @Hi Mingway 的觀點,夏宇聞的《Verilog數字系統設計教程》不建議用來入門和進階學習,對於FPGA/Verilog入門來說,我推薦一本教材:王金明的《Verilog HDL程序設計教程》。原因在這篇文章中提及



對於進階讀者,當然是推薦Verilog的標準書 IEEE-1364《IEEE Standard Verilog Hardware Description Language》

再推薦一本Coding style的書《RTL Design Style Guide for Verilog HDL》2006 by STARC


