
Apple 2014年9月发布会邀请函「Wish we could say more」寓意?

众所周知这次会发布会2款型号的iPhone,而这两天关于iwatch的传言又开始了。其实去年已经有发布2款iPhone的先例了,今年这里的say more会不会是在暗示iwatch?

并且今年的邀请函风格相比去年的多彩,又变回素雅的Apple风格。而对于这场发布会你对iPhone的预测和期待还有哪些?个人估计目前对于5.5的iPhone解析度相对靠谱的一个版本就是达到预测的2208*1242,461PPI ,3X………


1. 会有新产品线,并且很可能是可穿戴设备(iWatch or iTime or iCare or iHealth? 继续)上架;

2. 老产品线尺寸会增大(这不是废话吗,曝的差不多了)。


1. 看下面历年海报,只要是13年以前并涉及苹果logo的,苹果「把儿」都是完整出现的,唯独这次和WWDC14 的」把儿「小部分切出图像边缘,同时从灰度色调、阴影、形状大致像一个手表指针;

日期数字十分的凸显和规整,突出了「时间」;主题「Wish we could say more." 『more』 可能是重点;


"The hint is right in the statement. 』Wish we could SAY more『。 Seems clear to me that there will be some focus on expanding Siri in some way. Maybe including it in an iWatch「(大致说重点首先在」说"上面,要对Siri的应用作出扩展,可能会出现在iWatch上吧),我觉得有道理。

2. 同样见1. 中的首条推理,苹果logo的扩大可能预示屏幕尺寸的变大(媒体曝的料够多了,废话)



1. 201406-Apple Worldwide Developers Conference WWDC 14 (iOS 8)

2. 201310-We still have a lot to cover (iPad air, iPad mini 2)3. 201309-This should brighten everyones day (iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C)4. 201210-Weve got a little more to show you (iPad mini)5. 201209-Its almost there. (iPhone 5)6. WWDC 2012

7. 201203-We have something you really have to see. And touch. (iPad with Retina Display)

8. 201201-Join us for an education announcement in the Big Apple.9. Lets talk iPhone. (iPhone 4S)10. 201106-WWDC201111. Come see what 2011 will b the year of. (iPad 2)12. 201009-iPod13. 201006-WWDC2010 (iPhone 4, iOS 4)14. 201006-Get a sneak peek into the future of iPhone OS (iOS 4)15. 201001-Come see our latest creation (iPad first generation)

16. 200909-Its only rock and roll, but we like it (iPod)

17. 200810-The spotlight turns to notebooks (Macbook)18. 200809-Lets Rock (iPod)19. 200806-A landmark event. In more ways than one-WWDC2008 (iPhone 3G, iOS2)20. 200709-The beat goes on. (iPod)21. 200706-WWDC200722. 200706-The first 30 years were just the beginning (iPhone first generation)23. 200609-Its Showtime-Apple TV24. 200602-Theres been a mix up...-Mac with intelside25. 200510-Take a sneak peek-iPod


再早海报的没有找。- 所有图片来自网路
say more就是增强siri的功能,并且发布两款iPhone(倒过来的9.9),还有iWatch都是可以「说」的设备,当然more就是体现在设备数量,产品型号和功能上。这次的海报,苹果logo下半部分像心脏的上半部分(寓意iHealth),上半部分像时钟的指针(寓意iWatch)。只能告诉你这么多了。
OK, lets make it clear. Verge上看到的。。


------------------------------------------------9.9像是倒著的6.6,也许是在暗示两部新iphone我不懂设计,但是感觉邀请函上的苹果logo的阴影处理有种material design风格的感觉,求指教