

AnalysisPro: Our current end-developers already use the language.

Pro: The majority of Fuchsias user interface is built using Flutter, which uses Dart.

Pro: Asynchronous programs can be written using straight-line code.Pro: People using the language are highly productive.Pro: The Fuchsia project has the opportunity to influence the evolution of the language.Pro: The language provides memory safety guarantees, which reduces the risk of software developed in the language having security bugs.Con: The language uses garbage collection to manage memory, which is more resource intensive than other techniques for managing memory.Con: The language has a substantial runtime environment.Con: The toolchain forces a trade-off between binary size, performance, and startup latency that is worse than the tradeoff provided by toolchains for other languages.DecisionDart is supported for end-developers targeting non-drivers.

Dart is approved for use in the Fuchsia Platform Source Tree for user interfaces and for programs that do not run indefinitely.

GoAnalysisPro: Go is a widely used language within Google.Pro: gVisor has implemented a network stack using the language and that network stack has been integrated with Fuchsia.Pro: People using the language are highly productive.Pro: The Fuchsia project has the opportunity to influence the evolution of the language.Pro: The language provides memory safety guarantees, which reduces the risk of software developed in the language having security bugs.Pro: The language has an extensive ecosystem of libraries that are likely to be useful on Fuchsia.Con: The language uses garbage collection to manage memory, which is more resource intensive than other techniques for managing memory.

Con: The language has a substantial runtime environment.

Con: The Fuchsia Platform Source Tree has had negative implementation experience using Go. The system components the Fuchsia project has built in Go have used more memory and kernel resources than their counterparts (or replacements) the Fuchsia project has built using C++ or Rust.Con: The toolchain produces large binaries.



  • Dart is supported for end-developers targeting non-drivers.
  • Dart is approved for use in the Fuchsia Platform Source Tree for user interfaces and for programs that do not run indefinitely.


  • Go is NOT approved, with the following exceptions:
    • netstack. Migrating netstack to another language would require a significant investment. In the fullness of time, we should migrate netstack to an approved language.
  • All other uses of Go in the Fuchsia Platform Source Tree for production software on the target device must be migrated to an approved language.


  • Dart 被支持用于面向非驱动程序的终端开发者。
  • Dart 被批准在 Fuchsia Platform Source Tree 中用于用户界面和无限期运行的程序。


  • Go 仅被批准在网路技术栈中使用,因为网路栈的迁移需要大量成本。时间准许的话,应该将网路栈迁移到批准的语言。
  • 必须将 Fuchsia 中用于目标设备上生产软体的所有其它 Go 代码迁移到批准的语言。



谷歌为什么选择 Dart?


  • Fuchsia 的终端开发人员已经在使用 Dart;
  • Fuchsia 的大部分 UI 界面使用的是 Flutter,而 Dart 正是 Flutter 的官方语言;
  • 可以使用直线代码编写非同步程序;
  • Dart 的开发效率高;
  • Fuchsia 项目有机会影响语言的演变;
  • Dart 语言提供了内存安全保证,从而降低了开发的软体存在安全漏洞的风险;


  • Dart 使用垃圾回收机制管理内存,更加占用资源;
  • Dart 具有大量的运行时环境;
  • 工具链强制在二进位大小、性能和启动延迟之间进行权衡,这比工具链为其他语言提供的权衡更糟糕。





@圆胖肿 你洋洋洒洒写了一大堆,最后强行往java拉要脸不?还扯出类Java语言?

