如題。12.12首考,大作文題目是現在的人出名是靠wealth和glamour而不是自身的成就,這樣會影響青少年,to what extent………

我只認識wealth 不認識後面那個 所以整篇文章我只討論了wealth,隻字未提後面那個,這樣算跑題嗎?可以得幾分

我寫了五段,第一段改寫題目+觀點;第二段對青少年危害;第三段對社會發展危害;第四段不過好處是也可以刺激青少年努力工作追求財富;第五段in conclusion 字數330左右

不算跑題哈 只是你部分回應了題目。題目中Nowadays celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth than for their achievements,andthis sets a bad example to young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

and 前面的不是一個背景句而是人認為的觀點, 所以改題目的爭議點有兩個

1.名人是否靠glamour和wealth而非achievement 而出名?



以下是simon 寫過的一篇範文 ,你可以看看。

It is true that some celebrities are known for their glamourous lifestyles rather than for the work they do. While I agree that these celebrities set a bad example for children, I believe that other famous people act as positive role models.

On the one hand, many people do achieve fame without really working for it. They may have inherited money from parents, married a famous or wealthy person, or they may have appeared in gossip magazines or on a reality TV programme. If the wealth and appearance of those famous people attract excessive attention, this may promote the idea that success can be achieved without working hard and building good character. Young people who admire these celebrities may pay more attention to their own appearance and dresses than to skills, qualifications and qualities, so thy can hardly succeed.

On the other hand, there are at least many celebrities whose accomplishments make them famous and make them excellent role models for young people. Actors, musicians and sports stars become famous idols because they have worked hard and applied themselves to develop real skills and abilities. They demonstrate great effort, determination and ambition, which is required for someone who wants to be truly successful in their chosen field. An example is the actor and martial artist Jackie Chan, who has become world famous through years of practice and hard work. This kind of self-made celebrity can inspire children to develop their talents through application and perseverance.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the influence of celebrities on young people can be positive as well as negative.

雖然不算跑題,但是「Task Response」的小分會受到影響。這是官方發布的Writing Task 2評分標準:

WRITING TASK 2: Band Descriptors (public version)?



TK語言私教:Tim Kasumi 簡介?





to what extent do you agree or disagree


聽起來 你寫成了comparecontrast 或disadvantageadvantage類型

具體能得幾分 還要看你的用詞和舉的例子呈現出來的東西。

這個題目主要還是問的是你同不同意這種觀點。說到跑不跑題就要看你是怎麼回答的,這個題目的意思是:現在人出名是因為有錢和光圈,並不是自身成就,這種情況對青少年有不好的影響,你同意這種說法嗎? 看你的回答,你認同題目說的現在的人是靠有錢出名,但是對青少年並不是全是不好的影響。那就是partial agree。看段落結構不算跑題。但是文章如果想路更多的話,應該是從現在人出名不只是因為有錢和光圈,很多人都是靠實力,沒有實力也走不長遠,名人對青少年的影響也是有好有壞。這個角度內容會更多一些。關於對社會的影響有點沒必要了。因為題目裡面沒有提到對社會的影響


