
















這是所謂的南亞四雄:斯班巴印。斯里蘭卡,班個拉地 ,巴基斯坦,印度。



















作者:Tuhin Patra (?????),印度人




中國被稱為 "亞洲巨人 "是實至名歸的。它已經進入了許多國家的許多行業,並成功地搶佔了大量的市場份額。這一切也涉及到一些不公平的貿易行為。其中包括傾銷、歧視性非關稅壁壘、強制技術轉讓、產能過剩等。












The clash between the Chinese and Indian army at the Galwan valley, led to people talking about a war between the 2 nations. During that time, the general notion was that majority of the countries would be on India』s side. This is simply because as a nation, India is far more respected than China.

Generally, countries garner a feeling of disrespect and hatred towards China. These feelings are not baseless. Over the course of time, China has indeed indulged in certain practices which have been criticised by the world at large. Some of these are:

The strategic laying down of a debt trap

According to a study conducted by a Germany based think tank – The Kiel Institute for the World Economy, other countries』 debt owed to China increased by approximately ten times from less than $500 billion to more than $5 trillion between 2000 to 2017.

About 50 countries have borrowed funds from China. Earlier, this borrowing amounted to 1% of the GDP of each country, but over time, this figure has risen to 15%. What is disturbing is that these transactions have been 「hidden」 by recent attempts to measure such international capital transfers. These transactions, particularly those involving Zimbabwe, Venezuela and Iran, were hidden by World Bank and IMF – International Monetary Fund.

The study, conducted by a debt-expert Carmen Reinhart from Harvard University and Christoph Trebesch and Sebastian Horn from the Kiel Institute, pointed out that about 2000 Chinese loans were disbursed to 152 countries during 1949 to 2017. Estimates suggest that China now accounts for a quarter of total bank lending to emerging markets, according to the study.

China has been criticised for leading many countries into a debt trap through its Belt and Road Initiative. This was China』s investment plan to build rail, road, sea and other routes connecting China to Central Asia Africa and Europe. Moreover, unlike the World Bank and IMF, China lends at the market rate and demands collateral like oil exports, which help in making these transactions further opaque.

These debt traps have forced such countries, like Sri Lanka, to be manipulated by the Asian Giant.

No practice of free journalism

Since China is ruled by a communist party, they do not have free press or access to open internet over there. The government censors content for mainly political reasons, but also to maintain its control over the populace.

Cedric Alviani, RSF』s bureau chief for East Asia said that 「China』s censorship is now a threat to everyone and we need to emphasize that. There is certainly a tight relationship between the regime and censorship, and the fact that they tried to do nothing but hide all information about the epidemic during the first month is the best proof.」

The whole world is suffering from the disastrous effects of the novel coronavirus. China』s suppression of coronavirus』 seriousness meant the rest of the world was alerted more slowly to the problem, allowing it to spread further.

No religious freedom

Being a communist country, people in China are not allowed to practice religion. There are multiple reports of millions of Chinese citizens being imprisoned, driven from their homes, attacked and even killed because of their religious practices.

Practicing religion is not only curbed in China. A recent tweet by Retired Major Gaurav Arya, stated 「Chinese companies in Pakistan don』t allow employees to offer Namaz during work. Workers are physically thrashed for not following orders/ shirking work.」

Unfair trade practices

China is rightly known as the Asian Giant. It has entered numerous industries in numerous countries and managed to a grab huge chunk of the market share. All this has also involved some unfair trade practices. Some of these are dumping, discriminatory non-tariff barriers, forced technology transfer, over capacity, etc.

Also, Chinese products are cheap but they do not last long and lead to a general irritation in people.

Now, while China has been at the receiving end of all the hatred and disrespect, India has been doing really well to enhance its diplomatic relations. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has publicly revelled in the prospect of a more muscular role for India in the world.

With China facing new scrutiny and criticism over the coronavirus pandemic, Indian officials have recently seemed emboldened, taking steps that made Western diplomats feel that their goal of an India closer to the West was starting to be realize, some believe the friction with China will push India even further in that direction.

Some really strategic decisions on India』s part have helped increase its likeliness among other nations. It has been methodologically assisting other nations n resistance and fight against China. Let us take a look at a few examples.

India had signed a major defence agreement with Australia that allowed both countries to use each other』s military bases in June 2020. India was expected to invite Australia to join naval exercises it conducts with Japan and the United States, to strengthen efforts by the so-called Quad — Australia, Japan, the United States and India — to counter China』s projection of sea power in the region. Although, this was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Furthermore, India』s campaign for a larger profile in multinational organizations has also moved quickly. Recently, it was elected unopposed to a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council. And in May, it won the chair of the World Health Organization』s executive board, where it promptly supported calls to investigate the origins of the coronavirus — an inquiry China had fought to block.

Such actions on the part of India and helped it gain respect from numerous nations. Indian officials have embraced the idea of being a democratic counterbalance to China, and the coronavirus has offered a chance to push that narrative as countries fume over Beijing』s handling of the pandemic.

One Western diplomat felt that the coronavirus crisis had made India more eager to build stronger relationships to help it deal with China, and that diplomacy with India was going more smoothly than ever before. 「Everyone is more willing, privately, to talk about what to do with China in a post-Covid world,」 the diplomat said speaking on condition of anonymity. 「The ways that China has influenced that world order can now more easily be discussed as we are all trying to figure out what the new world order is. 「India represents one path,」 the diplomat added, 「and China represents another.」

Apart from this, India』s rich heritage and its contribution to the world in various fields is also another reason which has led to people respecting it.


作者:Nikhil Naarayan, 印度人



當國際社會討論國際問題時,印度通常甚至不被大多數人考慮。印度作為一個整體,人們只知道它的貧窮,牛,靈性,骯髒,強姦,詐騙,以及有意或無意地認為遠不如許多其他 "流行 "國家的重要性。


















更多精彩內容請關注公眾號:環球觀察員 。原汁原味翻譯老外如何看中國。


This is not objectively true to any level whatsoever.

India is usually not even considered by most when the international community discusses international issues. India as a whole is only known for its poverty, cows, spirituality, filth, rape, scamming, and most recently as the home of numerous internet perverts on facebook and as a whole, intentionally or unintentionally considered far less important than many other 「popular」 countries.

Most Indians on the internet that I have personally come upon have an inflated sense of ego and an overly romanticised view of the nation, be it through the media or through a general, faulty consensus or anything of the like.

There is also the fact that India is relatively transparent and also part of the normal international community through the internet and as a democracy. This means that it is subject to greater censure, plenty of misguided narratives and a humongous dumping ground for a common man』s rhetoric. It makes the country seem very unlikable and mismanaged than it actually is, based on first impressions and the tendency of negative things to seem more prominent.

China on the other hand, is a very mysterious and secretive system. It has a tight grip on its internal workings and the people are primarily homogenous, not only in their demographics but also in their thought processes and priorities. This makes China channel its portrayal of itself into a very pristine and perfectionist persona of its actual self. Now, it is a well-known fact that wars are won mostly by mind games and the like more than the actual fights.

China, for good or for worse has chosen the secretive route to propel itself onto the world stage, while India has been very passive in its portrayal, usually only being channelled through the people themselves or by a few outsiders who have taken the time to investigate further. It has been unregulated for the most part and we have now ended up here in this box. And this is not the time to ascertain which one of those options is the right one or not, but it is certainly a great time for self-reflection and retrospective thinking.

As for international relations, India builds its network through bilateral understandings and trade-offs, and is quite often than not, targeted at sustenance and interdependence rather than competition and manipulation. Also culturally, Indian traditions and lifestyles are rarely seen as adoptable or acceptable from the western perspective. Most of east asia, including china have adopted generous amounts of westernization into their lifestyles. In India, however, value over the indigenous cultures is still high and westernization is often seen as bad and oppressive.

I can』t say whether this is a good thing or not, but I can say that it does not sit well with the western perspective, which is the most popular and the rapidly expanding one in today』s times. For example, eating with bare hands is seen as barbaric and unhygienic which also goes along well with India』s dusty streets or perhaps a racist thought process of considering brown skin as being dirty. This might lead to natural biases, without even taking into account morality or other ideologies. And humans are inherently divisive and discriminatory, when not bound by social structures and other such restrictions.

The more power you exert or even seem to exert, the more influence and control you command over other people. It is how the animal kingdom works socially, and humans with all their intellect and tendency to escape this primitive working, are still influenced by it on the larger scale.

In simple terms, respect is a social construct influenced by the subjectiveness of those involved in that social system. Thus, it is inherently subject to a lot of biases and fallacies and everything in between and beyond. One can never really know for sure which international body generates what reactions in individuals. It would mostly be governed by the scenarios, status quos and tipping of balances in favour of some one or the other over time.

And thus we face these questions now -

Is India well respected over China now? Maybe.

Does that mean something? Absolutely not. At least, not in the present.

Is it important? Counterintuitively, yes.

Should we be concerned? Yes, oh yes!

Can we do something about it? Yes, but at this point I don』t think we would be able to see significant results in the near future. This might lead to a loss of motivation, but it will always be sustained by an influx of new brains into this process. However with the consideration of current trends, I would predict a better result.

With all this being said, the (original) question is assumed to be an attempt at validating the asker』s biases. With this assumption being considered, I would like to say that India could plausibly be respected more on the world stage, but it doesn』t seem possible or even advantageous in today』s terms by any significant measure.

One should also not be blinded by narrow foci on singular achievements. For example, one should not cite an increase in rank of ease of doing business towards positive development while there might have been significant fall in ranks for hunger indices or the freedom of press etc.

Just do your thing well and hope everything will be fine. That』s all I can say.



一、所謂的大師和教育。印度的教育水平,是值得吹一波的。以印度理工學院為代表的高等教育,在發展中國家中,算是水平比較高的。特別是美國的大公司中,有相當多的印度人是管理層。譬如谷歌、微軟等全球五百強,其ceo也是印度裔。 甚至印度的科學成就也值得一提,在1930年印度人拉曼就獲得諾貝爾物理學獎。










昨天印度空軍參謀長這個Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria在國內火了一把,說「已經做好空襲中國準備、做好兩線作戰準備。」



No War,no peace in Ladakh



