
敷衍怎么中翻英?Learn how to translate 敷衍 to English. 中英物语知道

敷衍 的英文怎么说
1. Painter: Alright, let's get this over with.
  Customer: Hey, I don't want you phoning this in. I need you to paint me well.
2. Store clerk: Sure, whatever you want.
  Patron: I am appalled by your indifferent attitude. I am leaving the store.
3. I was trying to find out where my money went, but the bank staff kept giving me the runaround.
4. If you ask your boss for a raise, he'll most likely give you the runaround.
5. I like her, but she has never given me more than perfunctory courtesy before. Maybe she doesn't like me.
6. Her mother asked her to do her homework, but she brushed her off with a perfunctory "Yes, mother".
7. You can't just brush off your student's questions. He is expecting answers from you.
8. Michael frequently refuses to say what he does for a living, brushing off any questions about his job with a dismissive "Mind your own business."
9. I haven't heard back from the airlines about my complaint; so I guess they brushed it off.
10. Please don't brush me off. Answer my question seriously.
11. A: This is my phone number.
  B: Okay. Got it.
  A: Don't give me the brush-off. Do call me sometime.
12. A: Here is the report you asked for.
  B: It is so short and incomplete. Don't give me this junk.
13. Guest: What is this disgusting gooey thingy? Don't feed us crappy food.
  Host: That's what everybody eats. Please bear with us.
14. Last night I was expecting my husband to embrace me passionately, but he just gave me a casual kiss and went to bed.
15. Amy: Do you think I am right?
  Ben: Yes you are always right.
  Amy: You sound very insincere. Do you really think I am right?
16. The driver responsible for the car accident gave the victim's family an insincere apology. So the victim's family sued the driver.
17. He keeps asking me out, and I keep putting him off.
18. Hey you are bouncing around. Can you focus on the question?
不用太认真 草草了事 草率的对待 冷淡 含糊其词 轻描淡写 塘塞 应付 别敷衍
[1] phone it in
[2] indifferent attitude
  apathetic attitude
[3] give one the runaround
[4] perfunctory
[5] brush somebody/something off
[6] patronize
[7] give somebody the brush-off
[8] give somebody crap or junk or garbage
[9] casual
[10] to put somebody off
[11] to bounce around
indifferent attitude = apathetic attitude = 漠不关心的态度或冷淡的态度,也就是敷衍的态度
Don't phone it in. = 别敷衍某事,也就是请对方认真做某事的意思
例句中的 I don't want you phoning this in. 意思是我不希望你敷衍,我希望你认真的画我
give me the runaround = 敷衍我,不给我答案,答非所问等
perfunctory = 只是像例行公事一样的处理某事的态度,例如 perfunctory courtesy 指像例行公事一样的表达礼貌,也就是敷衍性质的表达礼貌,例如空服员或柜台人员。
brush off 也非常好用,例如:
You can't just brush off your student's questions. = 你不该敷衍学生,不回答学生的问题
我 patronize 你就是指我瞧不起你, 所以你问我什么问题或说什么话我就随便敷衍你, 事实上我一点都没在听你说话, 或是我有听但没有尊重你的话; 用的时候要小心.
有些时候不必翻出来, 可用 casual 或 insincere 来形容敷衍。
to put somebody off = 一直拖延不跟某人见面,有敷衍的意思,例如:
He keeps asking me out, and I keep putting him off. = 他一直约我出来,但我一直敷衍他,一直拖时间
to bounce around = 被问问题时,没直接回答,跳来跳去,答非所问
1. 你不要这样敷衍我嘛, 认真回答我的问题.
2. 甲: 这是我的电话.
  乙: 我知道了.
  甲: 说好要打给我的喔, 你可别敷衍我.
3. 他自诩对广告有专业知识, 但当我问他关于他的经验的问题时他却敷衍了事.
4. 甲: 这是您要的报告.
  乙: 这是什么? 别拿这种垃圾应付我.
5. 客人: 这个恶心的黏黏的东西是什么?
  主人: 大家都吃一样的东西, 你就忍忍吧.
6. 我昨晚以为丈夫会热情的拥抱我, 但他只敷衍的亲了我一下就睡了