
想用FL studio這樣的軟體做編曲,在硬體方面需要什麼東西(聽說需要外置音效卡、midi鍵盤之類)?


先申明:本文全部建立在工作環境是Windows的情況下。若Mac用戶請在自己的預算範圍內購買你能承受的最好的iMac 5K/iMac Pro

都9900K的時代了還在推薦初代銳龍?現在誰推薦你初代銳龍讓ta給你做終生售後吧。內存兼容性不強、性能在9900K這些新U面前比較弟弟,唯一的優點就是板U都爆炸便宜(8核只要1k,ROG頂級版也是1-2K),除非需要把預算放到別的地方,否則謹慎考慮初代Ryzen.當然,X370頂級版子配R7 2700也不失為一個好選擇。三代銳龍雖然確實真香,但是都得用X370配2700了......現在X570板子價格普遍較高而且只有華擎提供了帶TB3的solution。自古華擎出妖板真的不是瞎說的。

然後是顯卡。我這邊強烈建議使用一張獨立顯卡工作,之前看 @孫志貴 的文章提到說似乎是Intel HD Graphics會造成一定的延遲問題。1k買張2048SP的RX580真的就夠了。

RAM和SSD一樣,在你預算範圍內能承受的最高容量。敢玩的自然知道哪裡找大車但是一般用戶的話建議還是京東/天貓旗艦店。淘寶水深。銳龍三代的性能sweet spot是3600的頻率,可以找這個頻率的內存。實在不行去閑魚收個人二手噻。固態硬碟建議用PCIE固態,現在強烈推薦C2000,便宜大碗。

千萬千萬不要購買SSHD!又貴性能又不是太行,而且一旦SSD Cache出問題HDD里的數據也可能出問題。這東西最好不要買二手。




入門: 電腦+軟體







感覺不管用什麼軟體 音效卡都是需要的吧 MIDI鍵盤就看個人咯 我就是滑鼠手 或push等控制器


What computer should I get for music creation?

views: 594610

This article will focus your purchasing dollar to provide the most performance for music production. Real-time audio processing and synthesis are key, a fast CPU and an audio interface that has a manufacturer supplied ASIO driver are your top priorities.

Laptop vs Desktop/TowerGenerally laptops offer less power/performance compared to desktops at the same price-point. Laptops also limit your options for expansion and upgrades. Of course, laptops can be used but you should have a specific requirement to be mobile with your music production/performance. If not, definitely go the desktop route. NOTE: By desktop we mean a full height tower style case that will probably live under your desk (see Quiet PC below). The optimum case will fit full-height PCI/e expansion cards for greatest flexibility. You need room for at least - 2 x hard drives, a full size graphic card a soundcard. Suggestion: Buy a relatively inexpensive netbook for mobile computing, and basic FL Studio idea-sketching, and get a good desktop PC for music production. The combined cost of these two will likely be similar to one laptop powerful enough to replace a desktop.Operating System

Windows - FL Studio will work on Windows XP upward. We recommend Windows 10 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit or Windows 7 64 Bit. Note: Windows 8 or 10 is required if you want to use more than the dual-touch available with Windows 7.

macOS - FL Studio requires macOS 10.11 or later to run. The last version of Sierra or latest version of Mojave are recomended.

Specifications (in descending order of importance)CPU: The CPU is the primary factor in your ability to run FL Studio with large complex projects. Yes FL Studio utilizes multi-core CPUs but, beyond a certain point, more is not necessarily better. Read the section: The logic of audio processing in the manual to learn why. In light of this, the best value for performance is usually to be had a few levels down from the top models. We dont recommend spending more than $600 on a CPU solely for music production! 300 to $500 USD is the sweet-spot.

Choose your own - Search for a CPU with the fastest single-core performance you can afford, in a package with 4 to 8 physical cores. Heres how we grade multi-core scores for CPUs with 8 or less cores - Weak: Less than 4,999. Medium: 5000 to 8,999. Strong: 9000 to 14,999. Very strong more than 15,000. For example: An 8 core CPU (14,400) with a single core score of 1800 is probably less well suited to music production than a 6 core CPU (12,000) with a single core score of 2600, since much of what happens with audio-processing cant be computed in parallel. Ideally, you need a CPU in the Strong or Very Strong category.

Psychology - When comparing benchmarks, a 10% performance gain is just noticeable, you wont be impressed with this sort of improvement, so dont bother. 20-30% increase is needed before a CPU feels noticeably faster in use (for a while). Of course, the bigger the percentage jump, the happier you will be.

CPU Laptops: The same principles apply as above. Aim for a CPU Mark score of 7,000+ from a quad-core CPU - See CPU Mark Laptop CPU scores here.

CPU performance reality check - Show respectfor your CPU and dont throw 30+ high-cpu load plugins at it and then wonder why it chokes. Audio processing, as performed by DAW software, is one of the most CPU intensive tasks done in real-time on computers today. Its more CPU intensive than 3D games, that offload a lot of work to the video card GPU. Each audio stream needs real-time calculation of at least 44100 samples PER second multiplied by the number of plugins you are running multiplied by their own internal shenanigans. But, all hope is not lost, limitations breed creativity, work with what you have and rejoice in the democratization of modern music production.

Audio Interface (ASIO): Of almost equal importance to the CPU is that your soundcard / audio interface supports ASIO drivers. ASIO is a software device driver standard that allows FL Studio direct access to the audio interface rather than communicating via the Windows operating system (as with the standard Windows driver). This will mean a significant performance advantage running FL Studio. Look for a sound card for which the manufacturer has written custom ASIO drivers (check the specifications for mention of ASIO or ASIO2 support). NOTE: ASIO is all about software to hardware communication efficiency and performance here has little to do with the capabilities of the underlying hardware. If your audio interface does not have a native ASIO driver, use FL Studio ASIO.

RAM: 8 GB is probably enough. 16 GB is likely more than you need. 32 GB is only needed if you use lots of sample-based instruments, each running Multi-GB orchestral libraries ROMpler style plugins. Dont install more than 32 GB of RAM, for music production. Spend the money on your CPU, audio interface, video card or plugins. If you have 4 or 6 slots, try to leave pairs of RAM slots free for future upgrades as RAM usually installs in pairs.

Hard Disk Drive (HDD): SSD (Solid State Disk) vs Traditional MHDD (Magnetic Hard Disk Drive)? SSDs are great for achieving fast boot times, initial program loading. While a SSD will load projects faster, you dont load/save projects all that often so we rank a SSD fairly low on this list of FL Studio priorities. Given large SSDs are still prohibitively expensive. The smart solution is to have a 500 GB SSD boot drive (holding your OS + FL Studio) and a 2 or 4 TB MHDD for your project data (libraries, sounds, audio recordings etc). Favour M.2 NVMe format SSD, if your motherboard supports it, otherwise use SATA. Either of these format SSDs are far superior to MHDDs.

Video Card: Look for a video card with two DVIor some combination of DVI + HDMI + Display Port outputs (see also Quiet PC below). This will allow you to run two video monitors. Any modern Video card will perform similarly. FL Studio work-flow is significantly improved with two (or more) video monitors.

OS: Windows 7, 8 and 10 x 64 Bit are all known to work very well with FL Studio and, more importantly, peripheral devices. There is no performance or operational advantage for FL Studio by moving from the cheaper Home editions to the Ultimate/Professional edition. Windows 8 or 10 will be required if you want more than dual-touch as it delivers full multi-touch performance.

Quiet PC

Having a quiet PC is very important since you need to hear all the sounds in your mix. We recommend browsing the following sites, they have lots of useful information and can be used to specify components in your shopping list even if you dont build your PC yourself. A comprehensive review site is - www.silentpcreview.com

The following commercial websites are provided for your information. Both offer pre-made and custom build quiet/silent PC solutions and have international shipping: www.quietpc.com (UK based with global shipping) and www.endpcnoise.com (USA based with global shipping)

Generally the main sources of noise are case fans, video card fans, power supply fans and the CPU fan. Mechanical hard drives will make clicking sounds, consider SSDs (Solid State Drive), although very quiet mechanical drives are available and represent much better value for money. Simply opting for low noise versions of each component in your PC need not cost any more money and can have a huge impact on the noise performance.Setup

The FL Studio manual has a thorough section here on maximizing the performance of your Windows based PC when running FL Studio.

Reality Check - Please take responsibility for what you are doing!

1. OPTIMIZE: Make sure you really have worked carefully through the optimization settings posted here. 2. RESPECT: Dont throw 100s of plugins at your CPU wonder why it chokes. Audio processing, as performed by DAW software, is one of the most CPU intensive things done in real-time on computers today. Its often more CPU intensive than even 3D games, that offload a lot of work to the video card GPU. Each audio stream needs real-time calculation of at least 44100 samples PER second multiplied by how many plugins you are running multiplied by their own internal shenanigans. 3. FEAR: Not all 3rd party developers fully optimize their plugins and whatever plugin you are using may just be a nasty and or buggy CPU hog. 4. HISTORY:Your grandfather used a four-track tape recorder and made albums likeA Hard Days Nightand Aftermaththat changed the face of modern music. Even the lowliest of modern PCs will put that 4 track to shame. Limitations breed creativity, work with what you have and rejoice in the democratization of modern music production.


Just in case it was not clear, the information above basically says. 1. Choose the fastest CPU you can afford (this is critical). 2. Make sure you have an ASIO Audio Interface and 3. Add at least 8 GB of RAM but no more than 32. Build your PC around those elements.


編輯於 2019-05-22?著作權歸作者所有
