
类似苦你了的英文怎么说? 中英物语知道! How do you say 苦你了 in English? ChToEn knows!

以下是类似 苦你了 的翻译
1. PM: I took our ten customers out for sightseeing yesterday all by myself.
  Manager: Great work yesterday. It was a hard day indeed.
2. Husband: Thanks for doing the dishes after our guests left.
  Wife: You are welcome. Thank you for bringing home the bacon.
  Husband: My pleasure.
3. Boss: It's 2 a.m. You are still here?
  Engineer: Yes. I am fixing a bug in the software.
  Boss: Thanks for all the hard work.
  Engineer: No problem. That's what I am paid to do.
4. Engineer: I just fixed the bug.
  Boss: Good job. Here's another one.
5. Mom, thank you for everything you've done for us.
6. Boss: A huge thank you to those involved in this project and kudos for the hard work!
7. A: I really appreciate you helping fix our toilet for us.
  B: No problem.
  A: Let's go have some dinner. My treat.
8. A: We worked until midnight yesterday and got all the expense reports done on time.
  B: Well done! Why don't you take the afternoon off? You earned it.
9. A: I had a rough day today. Glad it's over.
  B: Good job. You made it through!
辛苦 委屈 委屈你了 加油打气
英文翻译 [ + ]
[1] Great work. It's a hard day indeed.
[2] Thanks for doing something.
[3] Thanks for the hard work.
  Thanks for your hard work.
[4] Thanks for the effort.
  Thanks for your effort.
[5] Good job!
  Great job!
  Nice work!
  Well done!
  You did it!
[6] You did a great job.
  You did a wonderful job.
[7] I appreciate something.
[8] You made it through!
昨天辛苦你了(暗示昨天你辛苦了一整天) = Great work yesterday. It was a hard day indeed.
「辛苦了」也可用 Good job. 或 Great job.
谢谢你付出的努力 = Thanks for the hard work. = Thanks for your hard work.
当某人经过一番辛苦后,成就了某事后,你可以用这些句子赞美他 = Good job! = Nice work! = Well done! = You did it!
当有人跟你说他度过了一个困难的一天,你可以说 Good job. You made it through! 表示「辛苦你了」。
但我们不会说 Keep up the good work! 或 Hang in there. 之类的句子,因为这些句子比较像是对某人加油打气时所说的话,当我们跟对方说「辛苦了」,通常是用感谢的话或赞美的话,才贴切。
有时候虽然成果不佳,但你还是想跟对方说「辛苦了」,就是有苦劳没有功劳,那就比较不会用 Good job. 而比较会用 Thanks for the effort. 之类的话。
You are amazing!
You did a fantastic job!
That's some fabulous work!
以下翻译解释中有出现过 苦你了
英文翻译 [ - ]
[1] Great work. It's a hard day indeed.
[2] Thanks for doing something.
[3] Thanks for the hard work.
  Thanks for your hard work.
[4] Thanks for the effort.
  Thanks for your effort.
[5] Good job!
  Great job!
  Nice work!
  Well done!
  You did it!
[6] You did a great job.
  You did a wonderful job.
[7] I appreciate something.
[8] You made it through!
昨天辛苦你了(暗示昨天你辛苦了一整天) = Great work yesterday. It was a hard day indeed.
「辛苦了」也可用 Good job. 或 Great job.
谢谢你付出的努力 = Thanks for the hard work. = Thanks for your hard work.
当某人经过一番辛苦后,成就了某事后,你可以用这些句子赞美他 = Good job! = Nice work! = Well done! = You did it!
当有人跟你说他度过了一个困难的一天,你可以说 Good job. You made it through! 表示「辛苦你了」。
但我们不会说 Keep up the good work! 或 Hang in there. 之类的句子,因为这些句子比较像是对某人加油打气时所说的话,当我们跟对方说「辛苦了」,通常是用感谢的话或赞美的话,才贴切。
有时候虽然成果不佳,但你还是想跟对方说「辛苦了」,就是有苦劳没有功劳,那就比较不会用 Good job. 而比较会用 Thanks for the effort. 之类的话。
You are amazing!
You did a fantastic job!
That's some fabulous work!