
sat和sat with essay 區別?


 首先,新SAT essay與老版以及具有同樣功能的ACT考試部分的essay相比,可以說, 毫無相似性,而與AP的English language and composition更像。


  老版SAT essay: 紙考。必考。考試時,在第一個部分考察。題目包含assignment(任務)和excerpt(摘要),需要考生在25分鐘時間寫一篇能夠回答任務的大概400字的文章。題目多是比較社會化的問題。比如:

  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below:

  Assignment: Do changes that make our lives easier not necessarily make them better? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.

  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below:

  Assignment: Is conscience a more powerful motivator than money, fame, or power? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.

  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below:

  Assignment: Can success be disastrous? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.

  ACT:紙考。選考。考試時,為最後一項考察。題目包含assignment(任務)和background information(背景提示),需要考生在30分鐘時間寫一篇能夠回答任務的大概450字的文章。題目多是比較生活化的問題,尤其是與學校相關的話題。


  Your school has decided to alter its emphasis in history classes. Instead of spending time on a variety of eras throughout time, beginning with ancient periods, the department has decided to focus on teaching history only from 1940 to the present. Proponents of this theory believe that students can learn best from studying the recent past up to the present. A few history teachers, on the other hand, believe strongly that this is an error. They advocate the idea that the only way we can understand and prepare for the future is to study as much of the past as possible. In your view, how much of history should be taught in schools?

  There are a number of students in your school who are planning to graduate and head directly to some of the biggest colleges in the country. These colleges have huge campuses and thousands of students enrolled. A number of smaller colleges have been sending you promotional literature, several of which really appeal to you. In your viewpoint, do you think small or large colleges offer a better education? What factors should help a student choose a college?

  Because of the recent increase in incidents of school violence, a number of schools around the country are limiting the number of times a student can go to his or her locker. While advocates believe that this will help reduce the risk of students keeping any illegal substances (including weapons) in their lockers, others disagree. They state that it has little effect on violence and other issues, but it does drastically increase the number of books the average student has to carry around every day. In your point of view, should locker visits be limited or not?

  AP English language and composition:free response part: 開放回答部分需要考生讀15分鐘文章然後在兩個小時寫三篇文章。這個部分測試內容包括:寫作技能,精細閱讀,深入寫作手法分析,和有目的的論證。

  接下來我們來看改革後的SAT essay:


  問題每次都是不變的,但是閱讀材料會更改。 從官方給的兩篇樣題來看,都是選取於New York Times,一篇是Paul Bogard的「Let There be Dark.」 另一篇是Dana Gioia的 「Why Literature Matters」 。字數不到1000詞,大概10段的議論文章。根據官方提供的參考分析角度,需要考生從用詞、論據論證、論證手法、修辭,邏輯順序等方面討論作者是如何支持自己的觀點的。


All of us have known that the SAT Essay is optional. But just think about it....Its optional to the SAT, but is it optional to you? Come on! Just do it! 有一個essay分數永遠比沒有好

因為美國大學理事會(College Board)宣佈2016年3月開始的SAT考試會進行改革,除了考察內容的改革(例如數學部分更加側重數據和圖表分析,以及加入高等數學內容,閱讀變成Based on Evidence Reading)之外,形式上也做出了重大改革,作文也該為選考,實際上相當於回歸了05年之前的考試風格,作文就跟SAT2一樣,優秀的學校肯定會要求,而且我相信幾乎所有的考生都會選考。畢竟和之前的Writing相比除了取消單詞填空題外應該還是比較相似的。
新sat writing是可選的 但是建議考
SAT 2016新改版 目測跟ACT和ACT Plus Writing一樣 不強制要求 但想上好大學就必須要有