

本作品是由竹子、木头和绳子编织而成,里头也装有LED灯,夜晚忽明忽灭。|The pavilion is woven by bamboo, wood, and rope. LED lights were installed so that they could give the flickering appearance at night. (Courtesy of 范承宗 / Facebook)

本作品是由竹子、木头和绳子编织而成,里头也装有LED灯,夜晚忽明忽灭。|The pavilion is woven by bamboo, wood, and rope. LED lights were installed so that they could give the flickering appearance at night. (Courtesy of 范承宗 / Facebook)

本作品是由竹子、木头和绳子编织而成,里头也装有LED灯,夜晚忽明忽灭。|The pavilion is woven by bamboo, wood, and rope. LED lights were installed so that they could give the flickering appearance at night. (Courtesy of 范承宗 / Facebook)

嘉义玻璃高跟鞋教堂(左)|The photo collage shows the High-Heeled Shoes Church (left), and the art installation featured in the festival. (Courtesy of @swcoast/Facebook)
How to get there? 嘉义布袋追光逐影艺术季|Budai Chiayi Light And Shadow Art Festival | 日期:2020年7月25日(六)至10月4日(日)|Date: 2020.07.25(Sat.)~2020.10.04(Sun.) | 地点:嘉义布袋海景公园(嘉义县布袋镇西部滨海公路65号)|Location: Chiayi Haibin Park (625, Budai Township, Chiayi County)

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协防台湾成本过高!资深分析师:中美若开战美军恐溃败 | Strategic losses in U.S.-China war would outweigh tactical victory of protecting Taiwan: analyst
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