
Go back to spring break in 2009 part 1 (March 19~March 29)

回想在西雅圖的日子,每到放假,就一定想馬上離開這每天下雨陰沈的西雅圖,前往熟悉的加州陽光的懷抱。2009 年的春假,是我期待已久的放假日,一繳完期終報告,就飛往加州,與加州的老朋友相約,一起往西南部的國家公園前進。第一站來到猶他州的 Page,此地的岩石質地美不勝收,真是讓我領悟到碩大便是美的道理


Somewhere close to Page


It's a sunny day and the light on the stone is gorgous.


My friend Todd is sooo small compared to the stone.


Looking for the symbols that the aborigine left.


Here we are, but don't know what it means.>,<


Special shapes.




Gorgous +1~~~


Our dinner in Utah, Yummy~~~


My dear friends, Danny, Yunny and Todd. PS. Yunny was a 6 month pregnant women at that time. Awesome~~~
