1. Factual information


According to the paragraph .....



->回文中找在題目中相同的 key words ->刪除和文中相反的選項 ->不要因為在文中出現過相同字就選它

要根據 specific question 來回答!千萬不可以自己猜!


2. Negative Factual Information


->According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of X? ->Except 題



->回文中找,其中有三個選項會在文中出現 ->答案:和文中相反或是沒有出現在文中 ->選好答案後要回文中檢查確認和文中說得一模一樣


3. Inference Question 推論題


->Which of the following can be inferred/imply about X?



->注意答案是否和 main idea 相反 ->不要因為該選項看起來很重要 或 看起來是真的就選它

要從文章中推論出來才行 ->可能會問因果或比較

4. 目的題


->The author the discuss X in paragraph in order to ..... ->Why does the author mention X?

看到 example 表示這個概念在之前就討論過了




Definition, example, to illustrate, to explain, to contrast, to refute, to note, to criticize function of

-->通常 ask logical links between sentence and paragraphs 答案通常在畫線前一句

-->結合文章的主要目的(只看這段首尾) Yes or no 的態度要明確,承接那段要明確 沒有轉折就是承接首段


5. 單字題 -->直接看那個字或那句就好


6. Reference Question

<Question> the word refer to .......



7. 改寫題


->遺漏重點:不選 ->原句是因果/不可改並列/不可顛倒到因果/因果不可只說一部分 ->邏輯主與要一致 EX. A of B 不可以變成 B of A



8. 點題/插入句題



EX.如果是 top down-->越講越細/先講理論/後講具體 -->注意 connecting words

On the other hand

For example

On the contrary Similarly

In contrast

Further, or Furthermore Therefore

In other words

As a result


插入句要和前後句都有 logical connection


9. Summary

-->選 major point

-->刪 minor point 和文章相反的選項

