
Time flies and seven weeks have passed. This summer has a very different meaning for me because I received an important and meaningful gift from Harvard University.

【English version】 

During this several weeks, I think the meaning that English has for me is “global tool.” In the past, I was forced to learn English and I didn’t know how important and useful it is. However, in these days, I realized that English is a global tool that pushes me to learn about different cultures, customs, and perspectives. Additionally, by using this global tool, I can discuss many issues and topics with people who come from different countries. Therefore, I think English is a global tool for learning different perspective and try to use other points of view to see this society.


Interaction with teachers and classmates” is the most unforgettable thing about the English-language learning experience at Harvard. In here, the interaction with teachers is like friendship because teachers don’t give us answers directly; instead, they discuss the questions with us and push us to explore the knowledge. In addition, interaction with classmates also impresses me. “Non-sibi” and cooperation makes me realize that how important teamwork is. Compared with Taiwan, students usually just follow teachers’ direction and don’t have so many opportunities to think about the problems or issues deeply. Sometimes, vicious competition happens among the students. Therefore, I really want to share the experiences that I have learned from Harvard with my Taiwanese friends and teachers and hope to make some changes and progress in interaction with teachers and classmates.


In this summer, I have discovered that “Finding suitable learning way” is very important. In the past, I have tried many learning methods from others but they aren’t suitable for me. In the process of studying in Harvard summer school, I found that when I read articles, I can preview at first then find the main point to understand what it is talking about and write down some summary of each paragraph. Figuring out this suitable way of learning English can help me understand the perspective of articles faster and deeper than before.


Tremendous future“ is the most meaningful gift that Harvard gave me. After summer school, I will come back to Taiwan and study at graduate school. When I read English academic papers, English can help me understand different countries’ perspective. In addition, I can also use English to make some comments and discuss with foreign friends. Therefore, English will broaden my horizon and help me to improve myself in the future.


“Global tool, Interaction with teachers and classmates, Finding suitable learning way, and Tremendous future” are the gifts I received from Harvard. Thanks to Harvard for giving me a treasured memory in 2012. I will keep improving myself in the future and hope I have opportunities to come here again.



兩個月的時間一轉眼就飛逝而過,我覺得這個暑假是我生命中一趟重要的旅程,也是一份珍貴的GIFT(禮物)。在美國生活和學習使我真正的瞭解到英語是個Global tool(全球化工具),過去我們總是被迫學習英文且不知道英文的重要性,但是這段時間真正地使用英語和他人對話,並且閱讀、撰寫英文文章,才讓我發現英語這個全球化的工具幫助我去認識了更大的世界,以及學習用多元的觀點關心社會。

Interaction with teachers and classmates(與老師、同學的互動)是我的第二個禮物,在美國的師生關係是較為平等的,老師不會給予學生直接的答案,但透過師生以及同學的討論和辯證,大家一起摸索出屬於每個人的獨特解答;此外美國教育非常重視主動學習和團隊合作,老師與學生在課前必須有充足的準備才能夠有能力積極地參與討論和分享,同學之間也會相互交流、為彼此解惑,因此我認為這樣的互動方式使我有許多的反思和收穫。

這七週中,因為每個人的學習方式不同,我也逐漸Finding suitable learning way(找到適合的學習方式),慢慢找到文章閱讀的重點、聽懂演講者想傳達的意念等,雖然現在的我仍在摸索的階段,但是透過短期遊學,讓我開始探索自己適合的學習方式,也幫助我更有效率地學習。

這趟旅程開啟了我Tremendous future(無限大的未來)。走出台灣,除了培養了獨自在異國文化中生存的勇氣、更拓展了自己的視野和眼界;走入哈佛,在全球頂尖的教育聖堂中接受教育,雖然看見自己的渺小與不足,但也會有強烈的動力去努力展現來自小小台灣的偌大力量;回到台灣,我希望將自己的收穫化作另外一番對世界的回饋,透過部落格與臉書記錄自己的遊學經驗,提供給有興趣參加短期遊學的夥伴們參考,並藉由文字與影像的分享使更多人看見地球另一端的世界。



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