
[Q生活] The Biggest Challenge in Our Relationship (English Edtion)



Friends, I come to share with you a challenge I have being facing since January.

Some of you already know, others do not, and I felt comfortable to talk about this only now.

In January, I was diagnosed with a "malignant tumor" in the right testicle. Since then,

I have being facing the biggest battle of my whole life and for my life. 

When I was at the doctor and I was diagnosed, I confess that everything around me began literally breaking up, as it is not a pleasant news.


The first thing that came to mind were my dreams, my desires, my family and friends.

I had to find strength on places where I never imagined and places I imagined and had never experienced.

Among these good energy, I would like to thank my family. I am grateful every day for have been chosen by you, even before I was born.

It was you who helped me find the floor when it disappeared.


My friends, thank you to all who in somehow sent me positive energy, were with me, cried, laughed and never let me down,

you can be sure that my fight is not only for me but for you too.

There is no word to describe how good it is to have friends.


The company I work, Salton Winery, to have been concerned with me, supported me and understood me these last days.

My super angel-doctor Doctor Thiago Cusin, who diagnosed and operated me with extreme success.

Also, I would like to thank my Dear Wendy for all the support and attention during this period.

You should know that, if I could compare my case with a soccer game,

it is already the second half (2-0 pro Eduardo) and I'm sure that I will win this game!!


To all the people who are on the same conditions than I, I beg you: do not give up this fight;

do not give up at any point in your lives, because your soul will never give it up from you.

With this challenge my friends, I am learning several lessons, and I want to highlight two of them: do not forget to tell people you love how much you love them.

Dedicate all, unconditional love to your true friends and family, who are who will be with you both in good situations and in difficult and above all,

learn how to forgive, or you will tell me that you never did something wrong on your life?


Little Q.


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