大和顿物所成为屏东最夯网美咖啡厅|Yamato Cafe has been one of the most popular coffee shops. (Courtesy of IG/@f488y)

半户外庭院|The semi-outdoor courtyard at the center of the building (钰琉工作室摄/力口建筑提供|Photo by CHEN,I-WEI /
Courtesy of Studio APL)
由上往下俯瞰整床建筑,仿佛森林中的玻璃屋|From the bird’s eye view, the coffee shop seems like a glass house in the forest. (李易暹摄/力口建筑提供|Photo by LI,I-HSIEN / Courtesy of Studio APL)

大和顿物所成为屏东最夯网美咖啡厅|Yamato Cafe has been one of the most popular coffee shops in Pingtung. (Courtesy of IG/@victoria5.19)
由上往下俯瞰整床建筑,仿佛森林中的玻璃屋|From the bird’s eye view, the coffee shop seems like a glass house in the forest. (李易暹摄/力口建筑提供|Photo by LI,I-HSIEN / Courtesy of Studio APL)

后来经由「力口建筑」操刀设计,将有著80年历史的开放式谷仓转化为绿意盎然的网美咖啡厅,游客自此络绎不绝。|”Studio APL,” a local interior design company, has successfully transformed the old open-air barn into a lush, fashionable coffee shop with thousands of tourists every year.(力口建筑提供|Courtesy of Studio APL)

来杯咖啡甜点消磨午后时光|Enjoy the desserts with your afternoon cup of coffee. (Courtesy of IG/@victoria5.19)
半户外庭院|The semi-outdoor courtyard at the center of the building (李易暹摄/力口建筑提供|Photo by LI,I-HSIEN / Courtesy of Studio APL)

游客可以坐在玻璃屋内静静地观赏石庭院,阳光透过栾树撒入玻璃屋内,享受阳光沐浴的同时,看著树影婆娑相当疗愈。|visitors can sit and quietly admire the courtyard and enjoy the sunlight streaming through the windows and the gold rain trees rustled in the wind. (李易暹摄/力口建筑提供|Photo by LI,I-HSIEN / Courtesy of Studio APL)

Within this stone courtyard, you can either choose a seat beside the wall and quietly enjoy a good book or a stoned table which can accommodate four to six people for a meeting or a celebration.

In addition, the courtyard can be used as a wedding venue. The old warehouse’s large span steel structure creates space without the columns.

Besides, some golden rain trees have been plated at the courtyard and their leaves’ colors would change to different colors that echo the coffee house’ interior design color as the season shifts.

In winter, the leaves will turn brown, which reflects the color of the old warehouse’s rust on steel.

In summer, the leaves will turn green while the Madagascar Almond trees, planted on the side of the road outside, will also turn green, echoing the golden rain trees.

在石院子里,可以选择单人靠墙的座位区,安静地享有沉思与阅读空间|Within this stone courtyard, you can either choose a seat beside the wall and quietly enjoy a good book or a stoned table which can accommodate four to six people to have a meeting or a celebration. (钰琉工作室摄/力口建筑提供|Photo by CHEN,I-WEI /Courtesy of Studio APL)
到了夜晚,温暖灯火点亮玻璃屋,增添浪漫氛围。|In the evening, the warm-lit glass house stands out, creating a romantic atmosphere. (李易暹摄/力口建筑提供|Photo by LI,I-HSIEN / Courtesy of Studio APL)

project info:

name: stone courtyard
architecture office: studio APL
lead architects: pei-an li & pei-chen li
project team: yu-feng sung
location: pingtung, taiwan

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