爱一个人,会慢慢把自己的内心层层剥开,甚至让对方看到自己最潜藏以及从未在人前展示的面向。因为你,我再没有勇气和胆量都好,都想展现自己的脆弱与怪异给你看,也想让你安心在我面前做一个怪咖,因为那才是真实的我们。能够在恋人面对真实的做自己(当然不是说你就可以从此变得肮脏又不随便),是很美丽和浪漫的事,因此编辑很喜欢Mild Orange的《Freak In Me》。

纽西兰独立乐队Mild Orange共有4名成员,其中幼稚园认识的Josh Mehrtens和Josh Reid因为之后在大学重遇,再加上Tom Kelk和Jack Ferguson这2位成员正式组成乐团,并在2018年带著首张专辑《Foreplay》出道。而取名「Mild Orange」是因为他们觉得橙色可以让人们体验到极致的乐观,亦可以激发对抱负的渴望,同时带来温暖和快乐。除了《Freak In Me》,《Some Feelings》也是会一听再听的歌曲呢。

《Freak In Me》整个MV都甜蜜得令人忍不住微笑,恋爱真好,浸没在爱的泡泡里真好。很爱很爱你,整个脑海里都是你,「Cause you, you bring out the freak in me/ A side that only you could see/ 'Cause you, you bring out the freak in me/ A side that only you could see」,因为你,我敢于展现出内心怪咖的部份,亦只有你,才可以让我展现出内心怪咖的部份,这比起说出我爱你更令人感动。

《Freak In Me》

Lately, I'll think of you lots

'Cause my mind's in circles for you

Please connect the dots

And bring me, bring me to you

'Cause you bring out the freak in me

It's only for you

Just you

So kiss me

There's something in the air

And whether its love or lust

Should we care?

And bring me, bring me to you

'Cause you bring out the freak in me

It's only for you

Just you

'Cause you, you bring out the freak in me

A side that only you could see

'Cause you, you bring out the freak in me

A side that only you could see

这篇文章 《Freak In Me》:我的怪异,只有你看到。 最早出现于 HKGIRLTALK。
