
每逢聖誕節,國際時裝品牌都為專店櫥窗換上應節裝飾,部分更會推出節日限定系列,並配以宣傳企劃,全方位提升熱度。Burberry今年的節日系列,由品牌全球創意總監Riccardo Tisci首度主理這輯配合佳節的形象廣告。新系列衣飾包羅男、女裝作品,眾星聞歌起舞,藉以帶出團結、希望與愛的訊息。

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Joy. Love. Togetherness . Our #BurberryFestive campaign ‘What is Love?’ explores the notion of togetherness for everyone, everywhere. A celebration of the season and those who make you happy, lift you up and bring you joy. Discover the campaign starring #ZhouDongyu, #YooAhIn, #RubenLoftusCheek, #CarlaBruni, #Mahmood, #FranSummers, #BoyChild, #WuTsang and #Shay, and shot by photographic duo #MertAndMarcus. . #BurberryGeneration

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Universal 💜 @burberry @riccardotisci17 #BurberryFestive

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自從Riccardo Tisci過檔Burberry之後,這位品牌全球創意總監,一直努力為英國百年時尚寶號締造嶄新面貌。由他創作的全新TB品牌標誌,不但可湊時裝界流行的Logo熱潮,更為品牌重塑典雅形象。此外,品牌又進一步發展全新的網上營銷策略,推出B SERIES獨家限量版精品,全部均由Riccardo悉心挑選,並於每個月的17日,在品牌官方Instagram作限定24小時發售,令產品倍顯矜貴。

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Coming soon - #TheBSeries 17 November . The crystal beanie – a rib-knit hat in soft wool, hand-embellished with Swarovski crystals. Available on Instagram for 24 hours only, a limited-edition release of only 17 pieces worldwide . #BurberryGeneration

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迎來Riccardo Tisci上任後的首個聖誕,配合Burberry Festive 2019 Collection新登場的同時,創意總監亦為佳節形象廣告親自操刀。Riccardo表示:「全年之中,我最喜歡的節日正是聖誕節。聖誕期間,不管我在家中,又或身處世界不同的地方,都可以停下來、反思,以及連繫令我覺得開心的事情。我喜愛這個廣告的概念,因為聯結起一大班自我加盟品牌後,都十分支持我的朋友,一齊慶祝我為品牌創製的首個節日廣告。」

Carla Bruni身穿天使印花真絲雪紡蝴蝶結襯衫$9,800,配以豹紋百褶裙$9,700,以及迷你絎縫羔羊皮 Lola Bag$9,300


左/小型號黑色粒面皮革TB Bag/$17,500、右/小型號麥芽棕色皮革TB Bag/$17,500

Riccardo所指的好友,包括前法國第一夫人Carla Bruni、Fran Summers、Sasha Pivovarova,以及來自亞洲的品牌大使劉亞仁、周冬雨及曾吳等等。他們都身穿2019節日系列中的衣飾,配合一曲由美國舞曲團體Deee-Lite演唱的《What Is Love?》大展舞藝,而整個宣傳企劃,就由著名攝影二人組Mert Alas及Marcus Piggott負責掌鏡。


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#Repost @burberry (@get_repost) ・・・ Introducing the #BurberryFestive campaign . Starring the Burberry family #ZhouDongyu, #KristiānsJakovļevs, #Mahmood, #Boychild, #Shay, #YooAhIn and #FranSummers. Our film ‘What Is Love?’ celebrates the festive period: a time of hope, love, and coming together around the world – no matter who you call family . ‘I am connected to the idea of unity, togetherness and challenging the perception of what love is today. This for me, is the real spirit of the season. It’s one of my favourite times of the year – when I can stop, reflect and reconnect with those who make me feel happy and at home, no matter where I am in the world. I loved the idea of bringing together a group of people that have been so supportive of me since I joined Burberry to celebrate my first holiday campaign for the house.’ #RiccardoTisci 🖤 . #BurberryGeneration

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說到全新的Burberry Festive 2019 Collection,主打作品包括男士及女士的晚裝衣飾、以條紋細節裝飾的經典Duffle Coat、拼色設計的Thomas Burberry Monogram Puffer Cape、Lola Bag、TB手袋、絲巾及圍巾等,當中亦包含了選自2020早春系列中的項目,方便品牌「粉絲」率先以新裝歡度節日假期。



