




"Click, click...." Something is knocking on the window. "A bird? Oh gosh, please stop it....damn, poo poo

again? Errrr..."murmuring when opening my eyes slowly. Out of the blue, it's Mr. Murphy's face." Ok

I know its a dream." Turn my back to the window,and kept sleeping."Wait, it is?" I turned my face to the 

window carefully again. "Oh gosh, not a dream?" He smiled again. Oh damn it, stop it. I couldn't move

my sight off his face..... He pointed to the handrail  opening his mouth in the shape of 'open'. I almost

jumped off my seat and tried to press the unlock botton. "Ohho...why  I can't press it! Shit!" I opened

the door for ten second....I'm a idiot . I thought when opening the door.  

"Why are you here?", I said it with a low voice.

"And why are you here?", he said it with a damn handsome smile.

Can you stop smiling like this? Or my nose'll be bleeding soon....


Damn! I can't say why I'm here!

"Ok... me? I just can't stop thinking about you, my taxi driver~~", he said it with his wonderful voice.

"Beeeeeeeee....." I could heard my brain is ringing the alurm which told me it couldn't work. 

I couldn't speak, couldn't move, and couldn't breathe.

The only thing which was still operating is the one that is beating faster and faster--my heart.

"I know that I might scared you, but, but, this is what I really think. I think I must tell you, so I'm here.", he said, tapping my shoulder.

"...."I still couldn't say a word. 

"Oh sorry. Just forget what I've say, ok?", he said it with a sigh.

I nod my head like a roboot out of oil.

"Um....ok..... Do you want to have a cup of coffee?"


We walked to the convenience store together...



