

現在是2011年的3月17日晚上7點10分,外面的天很黑,有些大樓的燈比平常還亮,亮得有點不真實,然後我在辦公桌前,聽著〈The Truth Is Like A Lie〉這首歌,心裡面有很多感觸。你知道嗎?正當爸爸媽媽高興著你這小生命快要誕生的前幾個月,有很多人一瞬間離開了這個世界,很多人失去了家人,甚至不知道未來在哪裡。日本的地震震垮了一切,然後就像那首歌的歌詞描述的一樣:

Every time the telephone rings
I think it's you and suddenly my heart starts to sing
But your sweet voice is only a memory
Fragments of a fading melody

How am I supposed to carry on
When the road in front of me is gone
How can I believe this really is goodbye
How, when the truth is like a lie






愛你的Daddy 2011.3.17

Angela Aki - The Truth Is Like A Lie 

The Truth Is Like A Lie 歌詞
I still make the coffee for two
At the table, I still set a place for you
Just in case you come home, I always keep
The light on even while I sleep

Every time the telephone rings
I think it's you and suddenly my heart starts to sing
But your sweet voice is only a memory
Fragments of a fading melody

How am I supposed to carry on
When the road in front of me is gone
How can I believe this really is goodbye
How, when the truth is like a lie

Constantly living yesterday
That is why I am slowly dying here today
Holding onto time framed in photographs
Frozen moments caught between the glass

How am I supposed to carry on
When the road in front of me is gone
How can I believe this really is goodbye
How, when the truth is like a lie

Tell me, how am I supposed to carry on
When the road in front of me is gone
How can I believe this really is goodbye
When the truth is just like a lie

Tell me, how am I supposed to carry on
When the road in front of me is gone
How can I believe this really is goodbye
How, how, how, when the truth is like a lie

— 與Candice Lai 。
