


Tell us about who you are. How would your family, friends, and/or members of your community describe you? If possible, please include something about yourself that you are most proud of and why. (≤250 words)


What is important to you? And why? (≤250 words)


Describe up to five activities that you have pursued or accomplishment achieved in one or more of the following areas. Please outline the nature of your responsibilities within these activities. (≤50 words per description)

- Club

- Family/Community Responsibilities

- Creative or Performing Arts

- Work/Employment

- Athletics

- Volunteer

- Service to Others

- Other(s)


Tell us more about ONE or TWO activities listed above that are most important to you. Please explain the role you played and what you learned in the process. You will be asked for a reference who can speak to your response. (≤350 words)


You may wish to use the space below provide UBC with more information on your academic history to date and/or your future academic plans. For example: How did you choose your courses in secondary school? Are there life circumstances that affected your academic decisions to date? What have you done to prepare yourself specifically for your intended area of study at UBC? (≤100 words)

此題optional,但建議回答。UBC還是非常關注學術能力的,可以藉此展現你的課程難度或學習環境,如果有客觀環境對你的成績造成影響的,也可在此解釋。這是2019-2020新題,更換了往年的「Why essay」。



Explain how you responded to a problem and/or an unfamiliar situation. What did you do, what was the outcome, and what did you learn from the experience? (≤200 words)


Briefly describe the culture of your school community and your involvement within it. What impact has the school culture had on you? How would you enhance or change it? (≤200 words)


Video interview.


- 測試電腦設備(包括耳麥與攝像頭)與操作系統,確保網路暢通,

- 面試一旦開始,不能停止,一次機會,不能重來,一定要充分準備;

- 正式面試開始前,有一題模擬,最多有三次機會,讓你熟悉系統操作;

- 面試有兩道問題,回答問題前會給30秒的準備時間,每題回答90秒,不要緊張。

weixin.qq.com/r/UkgrMwr (二維碼自動識別)
