
英文文法 English Grammar : Adverbial Clauses of Time 時間副詞子句



副詞子句為附屬子句的一種,放在句子中做為表達附屬子句與主要子句間的關係。關係的類別包含時間、地點、因果、讓步、條件等,其餘幾種將在之後做更進一步的介紹。副詞子句長搭配的附屬連接詞包含:if (如果)、wh-字詞、以及before,after, as soon as等附屬連接詞。


1. after 在…之後 v.s. before 在…之前

EX: I usually review the schedule step by step before starting my daily routines.


2. when + 簡單式, while + 進行式, as + 簡單進行式 當…

EX: While I was reading a mystery at home last night, I heard someone screaming outside.

EX: The last time I went Scotland was in May, when the weather was beautiful.

EX: As you were out, I left a message on your desk.


3. by the time 屆時

EX: By the time, we got to the train station, the train had already left.


4. later 之後 v.s. earlier 之前

EX: Feeling exhausted, Wendy took a nap; later, she resumed writing her research paper.


5. until 直到…才… v.s. till 持續到…

EX: He would not stop crying until he got what he desired for.


Note: Not + V + until + 時間 = 直到…才會… I could not swim until I was ten. 我十歲之前都不會游泳/我十歲之後才會游泳


6. as soon as 立刻 v.s. once立刻

EX: As soon as a saw the ball leap onto the road, I hit the brake.


7. whenever 無論何時 v.s. every time 無論何時

EX: The roof leaks whenever it rains.

EX: I do not really like cities – give me the country every time.


8. the first/last/next time

EX: This is my first, also my last time to ride on this roller coaster.

