
What Brooklyn officer Michelle had asked in 2000 was lying in the office drawer and after 911 in 2001 she became a sergeant under Ralf Liu

RE: Reporting for US citizenship green card identity theft of SSN057-86-4042‏
From: David Chang ([email protected])
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2013 5:18:35 PM
To: AIT American Citizen Services ([email protected])
Cc: First Lady Michelle Obama ([email protected]); JAROCorgtw法官協會 ([email protected])

Dear AIT American Citizen Service:

The Brooklyn borough bureau officer Ms. Michelle from Michigan state in 1996 who had asked those who committed identity theft around year 2000 upon my green card, seemed to be coming to the New York City Brooklyn office to claim that human rights oriented green card of Mr David Chang, SSN057-86-4042, to provide evidence that he* was Mr David Chang and* applied the green card on August 26, 1996, in that Ms Michelle saw Mr David Chang at that time coming to the Brooklyn office in the New York City with Mr Bowei Tan of Polytech university student to apply for the green card and social security number, paid by China Trust credit card for USD$150 and granted immediately by human rights issue, not for financial incoming issue, as the official insisted at that moment, *later after 911 in 2001 she signed to be military Sergeant and became subordinate of agent Mr Ralf Liu that committed the identity theft to abandon morally her original duty.

The following Microsoft SkyDrive JPG-picture attached with this email was a photo of mine shot on August 1, 1996 with Mr Bowei Tan at the Brooklyn Bridge, background with Twin Towers of World Trade Center in 1996, just one day before the CUNY Baruch business graduate program school open day on August 2, 1996. This picture of mine with Mr Bowei Tan could be served as a proof of my present in the New York City in 1996 August to apply for the green card. In addition to my family household registration* transcript which was hand-carried to the New York office but without* being properly attended*, seemed to be left in a* drawer of some desk *in the office* until the 911 terrorist attack in 2000*, this photograph of me with Mr Tan to prove that green card applicant identity on August 26, 1996 should be appeared* earlier in 2000 in the Brooklyn office but somehow the verifying* was delayed, according to some reliable information source revealed.

For your reference,

October 11, 2013,
David CK Chang, SSN057-86-4042, F121485303,
3rd Fl.,204 ChungHsiao Rd., Banciao, New Taipei City, ZIP 22064, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-2-29550553,
Tel: 886-2-89529809, N/A
Mobile: 886-(0)930568181, N/A
0953718256, N/A

David has a file to share with you on SkyDrive. To view it, click the link below.


brooklyn bridge  

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
CC: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Reporting for US citizenship green card identity theft of SSN057-86-4042
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2013 20:13:35 +0800

Dear AIT American Citizen Service:

A subversion lawsuit on July 19 was filed against two CIA officers* Mr Liu Dong-Yun and Mr Hsu Shi-Yuan who had been in the local district court as prosecutors, were both alleged to be involved* with the identity theft case upon my social security number account, and the applied green card account* since 1996 August 26 when I had personally* applied for it. I paid part of the regulation fee of USD$150 by my China Trust debit cash card which was* issued from its New York Elmhurst branch of the China Trust Bank*. The misdemeanors of two CIA agents Mr Liu and Mr Hsu were including abuse their official power to mandate a highly prestige Time magazine company to use three digit postal code, instead of the normal five digit postal code for delivering magazines to the house of* subscribing customer. It was manifest to be* an act to whitewash international crimes committed by their comrades.

On this July 26 I have submitted the subscription address cover page of Time magazine with printed three digit postal ZIP* code in address line with five digit ZIP code adding to last of the address line which was redundant and weird. As it was the evidence of the misdemeanors of the two district court prosecutors and CIA agents to mandate the Time company to do that with local post office, I made this legal action *to file a subversion case against the two prosecutors with Time cover as evidence submitted*. The related lawsuit document was shared in Microsoft SkyDrive account with this email in the following. For your reference.

Best Regards,

David CK Chang,
October 8, 2013,
National Central Library, Taipei City
David CK Chang, SSN057-86-4042, F121485303,
3rd Fl.,204 ChungHsiao Rd., Banciao, New Taipei City, 22064, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-2-29550553,
Tel: 886-2-89529809, N/A
Mobile: 886-(0)930568181, N/A
0953718256, N/A

David has a file to share with you on SkyDrive. To view it, click the link below.
高檢102他冬418號內亂案7.26陳報證物狀 時代雜誌3碼郵遞區號.docx


From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
CC: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: FW: Reporting for US citizenship green card identity theft of SSN057-86-4042
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 15:58:14 +0800

Dear HBR magazine, Time magazine, Citibank Visa, and Microsoft:

It's an identity theft case alleged to....
